COLUMN | Namibia and Nigeria – Plunder on the dancefloor, kicks on the drill floor? [Offshore Accounts]

Oh, to be young today! I know, I know, I know, I know, Sophie Ellis Bextor’s 2001 single “Murder on the Dancefloor” is back topping the charts after it appeared in a post cinematic rip-off of The Talented Mr. Ripley, and David Guetta is filling the dancefloors with his Grammy nominated “Baby Don’t...

COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2023, final edition: ten spot anchor handlers; eleven foreign vessels for Hornbeck Offshore, and the new twelve labours of Hercules Supply in China [Offshore Accounts]

Merry Christmas! On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me… twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping and so on, all the way back to that partridge in a pear tree from day one of the old festive carol. But not here, as, for the fourth year in a […]

The post COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2023, final edition: ten spot anchor handlers; eleven foreign vessels for Hornbeck Offshore, and the new twelve labours of Hercules Supply in China [Offshore...

COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea exodus [Offshore Accounts]

One of the delights of the offshore market recovery has been the surge in charter rates for platform supply vessels (PSVs) around the world. Tidewater’s triumphant presentation at the Barclays CEO Energy Conference earlier this month showed the potency of the market recovery that the company has driven ever onwards and upwards after its acquisition […]

The post COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea...

COLUMN | A trio of miracles: New DOF, Sapura and PSV Havila Crusader [Offshore Accounts]

“Are you too cynical to believe in a miracle?” Ellie Golding asks in her new, top three single with Calvin Harris (here). Well, Miss Golding would be delighted to rea ..

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COLUMN | The First Four Days of Christmas 2021: Cairn/Capricorn, Vantage Drilling, North Star and Vard, Shearwater and Shell [Offshore Accounts]

Last year we took an offshore take to the familiar Twelve Days of Christmas carol (here) and (here). So, now it is time to revisit the first four festive players, and cat ..