Neste makes Singapore’s first marine sector renewable diesel delivery

Finnish-headquartered renewable fuels producer Neste has made the first delivery of its MY Renewable Diesel to the marine sector in Singapore. The delivery was made in cooperation with KPI Ocean Connect, with operational delivery in Singapore waters being carried in partnership with Global Energy.

Neste says that its MY Renewable Diesel is a solution for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in multiple sectors powered by diesel engines, such as in heavy transportation, mining and in...

Optimus Technologies and B100 making fleets cleaner and more efficient

On a recent episode of WHAT THE TRUCK?!?, Matt McLelland, VP of sustainability and innovation at Covenant, and Colin Huwyler, CEO of Optimus Technologies, spoke with FreightWaves’ Timothy Dooner about the impact of biodiesel and what the election results mean for clean fuels.

Optimus Technologies builds fuel systems upgrades, including hardware and software that integrate onto existing engines or are installed on newly manufactured trucks. After the upgrade, the engines are able to run on 100%...

Opposition grows to speedy electric truck transition

The Advanced Clean Transportation Expo, a generally upbeat event for battery electric, hydrogen and other emission-friendly technologies, takes place next week in Las Vegas amid a growing and widespread backlash to the regulation-driven transition to electric trucks.

Nearly every stakeholder — from the trucking industry and driver organizations to state attorneys general — is weighing in with dire estimates of crippling costs to a cyclical industry. Ryder System Inc. is the latest, dissecting...

Really cold hydrogen could bring driving range parity with diesel

The time it takes to fuel a hydrogen-powered fuel cell truck is already on par with diesel. But there is still a yawning gap when it comes to comparable driving range. A new hydrogen storage system that packs more energy density might change that.

The goal of hydrogen and battery-electric trucks is to reduce the 12% of greenhouse gas emissions attributed to heavy-duty trucking.

Chill out: Verne goes deep into minus celsius for cryo-compression

San Francisco-based startup Verne is named after 19th...

Trucking research firm touts renewable diesel fuel over EV transition

WASHINGTON — New trucking industry-backed research finds renewable diesel (RD) fuel to be significantly less costly and more operationally effective than transitioning to battery-powered trucks.

Electric vehicle purchases and electric infrastructure will cost the long-haul sector more than $1 trillion over 15 years, a study released Tuesday by the American Transportation Research Institue (ATRI) estimates.

That compares with $203 billion using renewable fuel to power internal combustion engine...

Op-Ed: The rise of renewable diesel in maritime 

By Carrie Song, Vice President, Neste US

Ports are important for the U.S. economy, but it’s no secret that port-related emissions from fossil fuel use impact public health and the climate. As the world grapples with the effects of climate change, the marine industry must incorporate ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Each sector within transportation has the responsibility to create a healthier planet for our children and future generations to come.

Thankfully, there is a simple “today”...

After 2023 price declines, diesel focus turns to its relationship to crude oil

Just when oil and diesel prices seemed like they were going to be an endless headwind for the trucking and transportation industry, the oil sectors of a few countries rose to the rescue.

The end result: When the average retail price of diesel posted by the Department of Energy every week hit $4.633 per gallon on Sept. 18, few could have guessed that by the end of the year, that price would be almost 72 cents per gallon lower. For the full year, the price drop was about 61 cents per gallon.


Norfolk Southern aims to slash emissions with greater use of biofuels

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Fuel management and consumption will be a key means to reduce GHG emissions, as fuel accounts for...

Renewable diesel creates pathway to cleaner transportation industry

Legislators, consumers and corporations across the globe have increased their attention to climate change and sustainability in recent years. As a result, the transportation sector is actively looking for ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This has created increased demand for cleaner, more innovative fuel sources, like renewable diesel. 

The U.S. produces more carbon emissions than almost any other country in the world, coming second only to China. The movement of vehicles – both...

Neste and PTL Marine partner to supply renewable diesel to California customers

The California marine industry is to get easier access to renewable diesel. This has become increasingly important since California’s Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) regulation, established by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), took effect on January 1, 2023. The regulation requires commercial harbor craft in the state to use renewable diesel (also known locally as R99 or R100) instead of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), to limit emissions such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides for...