Spare part delays keep Lufthansa Cargo A321 freighters grounded

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Two Lufthansa Cargo narrowbody freighters remain sidelined for a third week because of technical...

Lock steps: Dewatering is the first step before lock repairs can begin

Ironically, to keep locks open, you’ve got to close them. To do work on a waterway structure, you’ve got to dry it out first, a process called dewatering.

“Last year, our lock operators locked through 25,486 vessels safely during 18,140 lockages along the Okeechobee Waterway,” said Bill Keeney, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Jacksonville District’s supervisory facility management specialist for the west region locks and dams. “We want to do everything possible to keep these locks open for our...

ECR Expands Its Repair Services To Commercial Vessels

Ship repairer East Coast Repair and Fabrication, is rebranding as ECR and making moves to expand its capabilities, reports Marine Log.

Maintenance of the Navy’s fleet

Ship repairer East Coast Repair and Fabrication, which is based in the Hampton Roads area with operations in Jacksonville, Fla., and San Diego Calif., is rebranding as ECR and making moves to expand its capabilities.

Since its start-up in 1999, the company has focused primarily on building competence and capacity geared towards...