High water driving down grain barge tonnage

High water on the inland rivers is taking a toll on grain barge tonnage, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported Thursday.

Precise grain barge movements down river were not available because of technical issues, USDA said, but data from last week show 13,194 barges were unloaded year-to-date at lower Mississippi River ports — 15% fewer than last year and 13% below the three-year average. Tonnage of down-bound grain at locking portions of the Mississippi, Ohio, and Arkansas rivers was 10...


Cocaine threats EU, due to container shipping

The EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) published a report on the increasing drug use in Europe, Norway and Turkey, highlighting that Europe’s cocaine market continues to grow, as cocaine enters Europe through numerous routes and means, but the growth in large-volume trafficking, through major ports, using containers, stands out.

Specifically, the report presents that the amount of cocaine seized by the Authorities in Europe doubled in 2017, achieving a record of 140 tonnes, reflecting that a big amount of...


More needs to be done to improve disabled people’s experiences on ferries, survey finds

A survey by Maritime & Coastguard Agency gives a snapshot of disabled people’s experiences on cruise and ferry ships. The survey says that while ferry and cruise ship passengers are more likely to experience problems getting assistance if they have a disability that is not immediately visible.

In the first survey of this kind, the Maritime & Coastguard Agency has received several responses that show that while many disabled passengers have had a good experience on board, others have not.

