Covid-19 cancellation for NOAA Northeast research surveys

The NOAA research vessel Henry B. Bigelow. NOAA photo.

On the heels of delaying its Northeast fisheries observer program this summer, the National Marine Fisheries Service cancelled three planned research surveys for the remainder of 2020 on the research vessel Henry B. Bigelow as the covid-19 pandemic continues.

The cancelled surveys would help assess sea scallops, the Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog stocks – and use advanced technology to investigate the deep ocean’s mesopelagic layer, the so-called “twilight zone” between 660 feet and 3,300...

Design Studies for replacement of R/V DANA (1981).

Design Studies for replacement of R/V DANA (1981).

KNUD E. HANSEN and DTU Aqua (Technical University of Denmark) has  completed the comprehensive design study for a new 65‐m multidisciplinary  marine research vessel. Looking ahead DTU Aqua urgently needs to replace the aging R/V DANA IV as it is facing a 40‐year Class survey in ultimo 2022.

The purpose of the project has been to develop a concept design and budgetary cost  estimate for the replacement of the R/V DANA with scientific capacity...