COPENHAGEN, Nov 5 (Reuters) – A Russian state research ship was detained in a Danish port this week at the request of a Canadian cruise operator pursuing litigation in Canada,…
research vessels
Australia’s New Antarctic Research Icebreaker Sailing Home After Delivery
Australia’s advanced new Antarctic icebreaker ‘Nuyina’ is underway on its 24,000km (13,000 nautical mile) maiden voyage home to Tasmania following delivery from Damen Vlissingen in the Netherlands. The 160-meter Antarctic…
Scripps Gets $35M From California To Build A Hydrogen-Powered Research Vessel
California has given Scripps Institute of Oceanography $35 million to design and build a new coastal research vessel with a hydrogen-hybrid propulsion system to replace the aging R/V Robert Gordon…
German Research Vessel Explores Giant Calved Iceberg in Antarctica
A German research vessel exploring East Antarctica found itself at the right place at the right time last month when a massive iceberg broke off from the frozen continent. The…
Britain’s New Polar Research Ship ‘Sir David Attenborough’ Heads for Open Seas
NEW BRIGHTON, England, Nov 3 (Reuters) – Britain’s new polar ship, the Sir David Attenborough, headed for the open seas on Tuesday to start trials after a storm delay, before making its maiden voyage to Antarctica next year for climate change research. The 200 million pound ($260 million),...
62 Rescued from Remote South Atlantic Island After Research Vessel Sinks
All sixty-two people who aboard a Belize-registered research vessel when it sank last week in the remote South Atlantic Ocean are on now their way home safely, the South African Maritime Safety Authority has reported. The sixty-two are crew members of the vessel Geo Searcher, which struck rocks and...
Polar Research Vessel ‘Sir David Attenborough’ Heads for Sea Trials
BIRKENHEAD, England, Oct 21 (Reuters) – Britain’s new polar ship, the Sir David Attenborough, will leave for sea trials on Wednesday to be put through its paces before making its maiden voyage to Antarctica late next year to boost research into climate change. The 200 million pound,...
Here’s One Way To Avoid COVID19 – Set Your Ship Adrift In Arctic Ice
After more than a year in the Central Arctic, this Monday, 12 October, the research icebreaker Polarstern returned to her homeport in Bremerhaven. The event marked the end of a record-breaking expedition: never before had an icebreaker been near the North Pole in winter. Drifting with the ice, they...
Covid-19 cancellation for NOAA Northeast research surveys
On the heels of delaying its Northeast fisheries observer program this summer, the National Marine Fisheries Service cancelled three planned research surveys for the remainder of 2020 on the research vessel Henry B. Bigelow as the covid-19 pandemic continues.
The cancelled surveys would help assess sea scallops, the Atlantic surf clam and ocean quahog stocks – and use advanced technology to investigate the deep ocean’s mesopelagic layer, the so-called “twilight zone” between 660 feet and 3,300...
Design Studies for replacement of R/V DANA (1981).
Design Studies for replacement of R/V DANA (1981).
KNUD E. HANSEN and DTU Aqua (Technical University of Denmark) has completed the comprehensive design study for a new 65‐m multidisciplinary marine research vessel. Looking ahead DTU Aqua urgently needs to replace the aging R/V DANA IV as it is facing a 40‐year Class survey in ultimo 2022.
The purpose of the project has been to develop a concept design and budgetary cost estimate for the replacement of the R/V DANA with scientific capacity...