European Federation of Inland Ports calls for a Stronger EU Transport Budget to Ensure Connectivity, Sustainability, and Resilience

Turi Fiorito

The European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) has joined with over 45 European organisations to call on the General Affairs and Economic and Financial Affairs Ministers to preserve and strengthen a dedicated European transport funding instrument in the future EU budget. The letter “A competitive and resilient Europe requires a stronger EU transport budget” highlights the role of a modern connected transport network in the success of the European Single Market.

Inland Ports: The...

243 Erik Froste, CEO Swedish Roadferries

 On a maritime mission in Ukraine

Meet Erik Froste, CEO of Swedish Roadferries, assigned by the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), to go to Odesa and urgently assess when Ukraine can fulfil the crucial maritime requirements of becoming a member of the European Union.

Erik was on this mission for six months earlier this year, and you must listen to his story about everyday life in Ukraine. He also speaks about the brave people he met and...

PNNL hybrid research vessel hits the water

Seattle-based Snow & Company recently launched the 50-foot plug-in hybrid research vessel it is building for the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) into Lake Washington.

The vessel, the R/V Resilience, is set for for delivery to the PNNL-Sequim campus, in Sequim, Wash., in 2024. The Seqim campus houses the only marine research facilities in the Department of Energy.

PNNL is managed for the Department of Energy by Battelle and Snow calls the vessel its “battle cat.”

UNCTAD issues report and analysis on how to boost port resilience

Pictured: boxes in a container yard. Photo credit-Chuttersnap via Unsplash.

A comprehensive guide on how to boost port resilience in the face of adversity, like those that have beset the world over the last few years, has been issued by UNCTAD – a United Nations intergovernmental organization established to promote the interests of developing states in world trade.

UNCTAD noted that there are numerous potential supply chain stressors and these included economic crises, political events, natural...

183 Peter Sand, Chief Analyst Xeneta

Shipping – more than only the maritime leg of the supply chain

Shipping – more than only the maritime leg of the supply chain that is obvious to Peter Sand, Chief Analyst Xeneta and maybe now we can hope that the world can see the importance of shipping and the people working in it.

Peter asks us to put everything in perspective; the Evergiven, the Pandemic, and the Ukrainian crises. Of course, he is right. He also thinks that shipping is a peacemaker, as odd as it sounds. Trade and transport of...

Trade volumes likely to grow, says WTO

Global gross domestic product and world merchandise trade volumes are forecast to grow strongly, says the World Trade Organization in its latest bulletin. Economic activity has come roaring back as merchandise trade has been lifted above pre-pandemic levels. Economists are scrabbling to update their spreadsheets.

“Trade has been a critical tool in combatting the pandemic, and this strong growth underscores how important trade will be in underpinning the global economic recovery,” WTO...

Mid-COVID, our investigation finds few vulnerabilities in Australia’s supply chains

Pictured: a conceptual representation of the logistics industries. Photo credit Gerd Altmann via Pixabay.

Catherine de Fontenay, The University of Melbourne

Until COVID, Australians had a pretty safe assumption that global supply chains could supply more or less whatever they wanted.

And then it became hard to get sanitiser and masks and other kinds of personal protective equipment.

Most of those supply chains were quickly reestablished, but the sudden appearance of vulnerabilities prompted...

Maritime Informatics Book Explores Digital Technology In Shipping

Digitalization has already unveiled its promising nature for shipping, but how does this translate in practice? A new book entitled ‘Maritime Informatics’ comes to provide a vivid example of how decision making in the industry can be improved by digital technology, says an article published in safety4sea.

First of Its Kind

Acting as the first of its kind on maritime informatics and uniting knowledge from dozens of data scientists across the world, the book introduces the technology required to...

Year in Review: Top shipping stories to remember from 2019

If we had to choose one – or maybe two – words to describe 2019 for the shipping industry, these would be: human-focused. Despite the fact that 2020 sulphur cap was on everyone’s mind this year, we saw many significant developments in key human areas. From mental health issues, to women in shipping and safety culture, the industry seems to be putting its people first, trying to boost equality and – most importantly – safety.

Women in Shipping

During 2019, shipping forwarded a great message to...