First SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum focuses on key shipping workforce challenges

The inaugural SAFETY4SEA Manila Forum was successfully concluded on Tuesday 12th of November 2019 at New World Manila Bay Hotel, Philippines, attracting 350 delegates from 120 organizations.

The event was organized by SAFETY4SEA having as sponsors the following organizations: Magsaysay People, Manila Shipmanagement & Manning, Inc. (“MANSHIP”), Manship Maritime Training Center, Inc. (MMTC), RINA Academy Philippines, RISK4SEA, SQEMARINE, SQE ACADEMY, and Standard Club and Trafalgar Navigation....

Building Resilience: Making connections

Good relationships with close family members, friends or others are important. Accepting help and support from those who care about you and will listen to you strengthens resilience. Some people find that being active in civic groups, faith-based organizations or other local groups provides social support and can help with reclaiming hope. Assisting others in their time of need also can benefit the helper.

When we experience a trauma, we tend to isolate from others. While recognizing the space...

Building Resilience: Dealing with a crisis

problems we cant control

A crisis is considered as the best resilience training; many people who face an unfortunate event, cannot even believe how strong they really are. Their power and a high level of perceived self-efficacy are brought to light when a crisis comes along.

These people manage to obtain a high level of optimism by considering that many stressful events cannot be averted from happening or in other words they realize that in life we can only ‘control the controllables’. Although this phrase is often used...

Building Resilience: Taking Decisive Action

Making decisions is a part of life; either at work place or home, during socializing and adverse situations, all individuals, either consciously or subconsciously, are asked to take decisions. These could be personal or professional, important, radical or with minimum effect to our daily life.

Nonetheless, in every situation, our decisions may have lasting consequences, affecting ourselves and others in the short and long term. In this context, an effective decision making process can help us...

Building Resilience: Take care of yourself

Ιf you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will; this is a fact. Taking care of yourself is important in every aspect of your life. It is about ensuring that you give yourself the best opportunity you can to maintain your health, creative energy, network of family and friends, and the smartest skills, in order to cope with everyday challenges.

Additionally, it’s important to be engaged; part of self-care is self-development. Reading, listening to audio-books or podcasts, things of that...

Building Resilience: Keep things in perspective

Why do people think and act the way they do? Why are some people miserable and others happy for no reason? How does the human mind work and how do we learn? Every day, we make instantaneous judgments predicated on what we see and hear and based on our past experiences. Depending on where we stand, the view of a situation may seem different.

The perspective that each person adopts influences how things actually are. Therefore, each individual develops its own reality depending on his feelings and...

10 ways to build resilience

Resilience may be defined as the ability to bounce back from a negative experience with “competent functioning”; in other words to become strong, healthy or successful again after a failure. The approach allows a person to recover from adversity and engage in life with hope and humor despite devastating losses on his/her path.

Studies have identified several factors to develop and sustain a person’s resilience. Above all, having a positive view of one’s self is an important mindset that helps a...

Moody’s: Quick return of Saudi oil output to demonstrate resilience

Saudi Arabia’s ability to quickly restore oil production after the weekend’s attacks on its oil facilities would demonstrate an important degree of resilience to potentially very damaging shocks, Moody’s said in light of the recent drone attacks against Saudi Arabia’s plants.

On 14 September, the drone strikes on plants of the state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco, in the heartland of Saudi Arabia’s oil industry, including the world’s biggest petroleum processing facility, knocked out more than...

Time to put some real thrills into shipboard drills

Too many shipboard safety drills have become meaningless reminders of procedure. Capt. Yves Vandenborn says good drills should reflect the roller-coaster ride of real-life emergencies.

The problem with many safety drills today is that nobody takes them seriously. This is mainly because the building fire drills and pre-flight safety briefings we regularly experience simply fail to convey the terrifying reality of a towering inferno or imminent crash landing.

The same can often be said for safety...

Sustainability equals to resilient shipping industry

Gavin Allwright, Secretary General, International Windship Association (IWSA), explains how sustainable shipping will create resiliency and efficiency within the industry. Referring to key priorities for a robust, resilient and sustainable maritime sector, Mr. Allwright highlights the need for an integrated approach that will ensure up-stream and down-stream impacts are always assessed in a transparent and collaborative way and emissions aren’t shifted, offset or dumped into other sectors.