How to respond when safety fails

While talking at the first SAFETY4SEA Conference in Hamburg, Mr. Mauricio Garrido, President at T&T Salvage LLC, discussed ‘ways to respond when safety fails’ from marine salvage industry perspective, noting that the constantly emerging regulations and the influx of larger and larger ships are challenging safety in the sector.

Safety culture has been around for a long time but  we tend to forget about judgment and poor judgment. And you might be the safest company in the world, you might be the...

The Human Element and Seafarer Resilience

During his presentation at the last SAFETY4SEA Conference in Athens, Capt. Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention, The Standard Club, talked about one specific aspect of the human element in maritime casualties: seafarers’ resilience. He noted that resilience can be improved through enhanced training regimes focused on realism, putting emphasis on additional experience, as well as making organizations more resilient.

The aviation industry is a good example of putting resilience into...