3 More Russian Navy Amphibs Enter the Black Sea

Ivan Gren-class amphibious warship RTS Pyotr Morgunov (117) entering the Black Sea on Feb. 9, 2022. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

Three more Russian Navy Amphibious warships have entered the Black Sea following a trio that entered the region on Tuesday, Istanbul-based ship spotters told USNI News.

Ropucha-class ships tank landing ships RTS Georgy Pobedonosets (016), RTS Olenegorsky Gornyak (012) and the more modern Ivan Gren-class RTS Pyotr Morgunov transited the Bosporus on Wednesday.


Six-Ship Russian Navy Amphibious Group, Attack Sub Approach Black Sea as Warships Mass in the Mediterranean

Ropucha-class ships tank landing ship RFS Kaliningrad (102) enters the Dardanelles Strait on Feb. 8, 2021. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

A group of six Russian warships capable of landing tanks and troops ashore are nearing the entrance to the Black Sea, as the Russian Navy begins to mass ships in the Mediterranean, according to Tuesday morning photos of the warships provided to USNI News.

Three Ropucha-class tank landing ships – RFS Minsk (127), RFS Korolev (130) and RFS Kaliningrad
