IKEA, CMA CGM And The Goodshipping Program Join Forces To Test Sustainable Marine Bio-Fuel Oil

IKEA Transport & Logistics Services, CMA CGM, the GoodShipping Program and the Port of Rotterdam have announced they will cooperate in a first of its kind partnership to test and scale the use of sustainable marine bio-fuel oil. The test will commence with a landmark bunkering of the marine...


Verkeersonderneming celebrates 10th anniversary

On Monday, 10 December, the Verkeersonderneming celebrated its ten-year anniversary. This partnership between a number of different parties, including Rijkswaterstaat, the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Port Authority, was set up in 2008 to ensure that the port area remained accessible during the widening of the A15 motorway. Nowadays, the organisation has extended its scope to the greater Rotterdam area.

Board member Ronald Paul also congratulated the Verkeersonderneming on behalf of the...
