Rivertrace Releases New Guide To Oil In Water Monitoring & Discharge

Rivertrace publishes new guide to oil in water monitoring & discharge

A new guide from water monitoring specialist Rivertrace examines the controversial subject of wastewater discharges and their potential environmental impact. The guide covers the MARPOL regulations controlling discharges from exhaust gas cleaning systems, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system bleed off, bilge water treatment and tank washing systems.

Exhaust gas cleaning systems, better known as scrubbers, allow ships to operate on high-sulphur fuel oil rather than more expensive very low...


New Digitalization White Paper With Expert Insight Of Smart Water Quality Monitoring And Electronic Reporting Methods

Maritime industry digital future

In the midst of digital technology continuously changing the landscape of the international shipping industry and how ships are operated, market-leading developers of smart water quality monitoring technology Rivertrace Limited have published a new white paper on digitalization, with expert insight into the evolution of smart water quality monitoring technology and electronic reporting methods.

Entitled ‘Maritime Industry 2.0: The Future is Digital’, the white paper explores key milestones...


Digital Water Monitoring Technology Calibration Portal Aiming To Enable Transparency Launched

Digital Water Monitoring Technology Calibration Portal Aiming To Enable Transparency Launched

Market leading developers of smart water quality monitoring technology, Rivertrace Limited have established a new, web-based calibration portal that will enable complete transparency of compliance and inspection paperwork related to water monitoring equipment.

The free-to-access digital portal, that can be retrieved at any time via desktop and mobile browsers, was developed by Rivertrace in conjunction with development partner Intellore. Hosted on the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud, the portal...


Environmental Compliance At Risk From Poor Monitoring System Selection

SMART PFM Oil in Water Analyser using Microscopy

Selecting inappropriate oil-in-water monitoring technologies can jeopardise environmental compliance, market-leading maker of smart water quality monitoring equipment Rivertrace has warned. Their advice to ship owners confronted with a choice between several different sensor technologies suited to specific applications has now been published in a new white paper.

Oil-in-water monitoring on ships is needed to comply with MARPOL measures for the prevention of oil pollution as well as in several...


Rivertrace Scrubber Washwater Monitor Acquires Class Certification

U.K. based Rivertrace Limited has received a statement of compliance from DNV GL for its exhaust scrubber washwater monitor – SMART ESM, reports MarineLog.

Wet scrubber systems

Any washwater used by wet scrubber systems to remove pollutants from exhaust gas must be monitored to ensure it meets IMO regulations for water quality parameters prior to discharge to the ocean.

Rivertrace’s SMART ESM, already onboard several vessels, is a washwater monitor that measures and records the regulated water...


Rivertrace Exhaust Scrubber Washwater Monitor Granted DNV GL SoC

Rivertrace exhaust scrubber washwater monitor granted DNV GL statement of compliance

Following exhaustive system testing and review, market-leading developers of smart water quality monitoring technology Rivertrace Limited have received a statement of compliance from DNV GL for their Exhaust Scrubber Washwater Monitor – SMART ESM.

Any washwater used by wet scrubber systems to remove pollutants from exhaust gas must be monitored to ensure it meets IMO regulations for water quality parameters prior to discharge to the ocean.

Rivertrace’s SMART ESM, already onboard several vessels,...


Rivertrace Publishes Paper on Scrubber Technology and Washwater Monitoring

According to an article published in Cruise Industry News, Rivertrace Limited has published a technical white paper that focuses on scrubber technology options and washwater monitoring.

To Scrub or not to scrub?

The white paper provides the industry with a guide to all options for compliance, with particular focus on scrubbers and IMO wash water monitoring guidelines. The paper also explores the impact of sulphur emissions from ships, the chemistry of scrubbing sulphur from exhaust gases and the...
