Shipping Shares Plunge As Day Trading Picks Up Pace

  • Shipping stocks once again wallow in a sea of red, with yet another plunge due to COVID-19.
  • Market caps remain minuscule, more offerings are being done by penny stocks.
  • Reverse stock splits are increasingly common and equities are being driven by retail.
  • Capesize spot rates have jumped from lows of around $2,000 to nearly $30,000 per day.
  • Seanergy’s share price shot up from 19 cents to 37 cents during the recent trading flurry.
  • Larger U.S.-listed owners have sold almost no equity capital this...

‘Robinhood Market’ Disseminate Through the Tanker Stocks!

  • Shipowners are happy. They need all the buyers they can get to boost their tepid trading liquidity. Retail buyers of shipping stocks are not so happy.
  • In the case of several tanker equities, retail enthusiasm appears to have been heavily countered by institutional selling.
  • NAT may be outperforming due to fewer institutional sellers, not just more retail buyers.

It is the year of the retail investor, and listed shipowners, like other public companies, have seen a wave of newcomers buy their...