Reaction mixed after trucker’s prison term slashed to 10 years

The reaction has been divided after Colorado Gov. Jared Polis reduced the prison sentence for a truck driver convicted of causing a fatal crash that killed four people in 2019.

Polis reduced the prison term of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos from 110 years to 10 years after calling the sentence imposed “highly atypical and unjust” in a letter released Thursday night.

Attorney James Colgan, who represents Aguilera-Mederos, told FreightWaves his client “is very, very appreciative of what the governor did.” 


Colorado governor reduces truck driver’s sentence to 10 years

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis agreed Thursday to reduce the sentence of truck driver Rogel L. Aguilera-Mederos to 10 years, with parole eligibility scheduled in five years on Dec. 30, 2026.

Aguilera-Mederos had been given a 110-year prison sentence after being found guilty in October of four counts of vehicular homicide and 23 other charges stemming from his involvement in a 2019 accident. 

“The clemency power is reserved for only the most unique and deserving cases,” Gov. Polis wrote in a letter to...

El camionero condenado por el accidente de Colorado podría ver reducida su pena de prisión

Un juez ha programado una audiencia el 13 de enero para reconsiderar la sentencia de 110 años de Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, un conductor de camión que fue condenado en un accidente de 2019 que mató a cuatro personas en Colorado.

En un movimiento inusual, la audiencia de resentencia se produjo a petición del fiscal del 1er distrito judicial Alexis King, el fiscal del caso, quien dijo que su oficina recomendará una sentencia de 20 a 30 años.

“Este es un caso excepcional, y requiere un proceso...

Truck driver convicted in Colorado crash may get prison time cut

A judge has scheduled a Jan. 13 hearing to reconsider the 110-year sentence of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, a truck driver who was convicted in a 2019 accident that killed four people in Colorado.

In an unusual move, the resentencing hearing came at the request of 1st Judicial District Attorney Alexis King, the prosecutor in the case, who said her office will recommend a sentence of 20 to 30 years.

“This is an exceptional case, and it requires an exceptional process,” King said Monday during a press...

Kardashian lends support to truck driver convicted in Colorado crash

Celebrity and criminal justice reform activist Kim Kardashian has joined the public outcry over a 110-year sentence handed down to a truck driver convicted in a deadly 2019 Colorado crash. 

On Tuesday, Kardashian her support for 26-year-old Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, asking Colorado Gov. Jared Polis to grant clemency in the case.

I pray that Governor Polis, who has been a leader on supporting reforms that increase human dignity in the legal system, will commute his sentence.

— Kim Kardashian...

Kardashian presta su apoyo a un camionero condenado por un accidente en Colorado

La celebridad y activista de la reforma de la justicia penal Kim Kardashian se ha unido a la protesta pública por la sentencia de 110 años dictada a un conductor de camión condenado por un accidente mortal en 2019 en Colorado.

El martes, Kardashian tuiteó su apoyo a Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, de 26 años, pidiendo al gobernador de Colorado, Jared Polis, que conceda clemencia en el caso.

I pray that Governor Polis, who has been a leader on supporting reforms that increase human dignity in the legal...

Millions sign petition to reduce 110-year sentence for truck driver who caused deadly crash

A petition to grant clemency to the truck driver who caused a crash that killed four people on a Colorado interstate has garnered more than 3 million signatures on

Rogel Aguilera-Mederos

Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, 26, was sentenced Monday to 110 years in prison after a jury found him guilty in October of 27 counts, including vehicular homicide, first-degree assault, attempted first-degree assault, vehicular assault, reckless driving and careless driving.

According to, the...

Condenan a 110 años al conductor de un camión por un choque mortal en Colorado

Un conductor de camión condenado por cargos en relación con un choque en 2019 en Colorado que mató a cuatro personas fue condenado el lunes a 110 años de prisión.

Rogel Lázaro Aguilera-Mederos, de Houston, fue sentenciado en una sala del condado de Jefferson, Colorado, por el juez A. Bruce Jones, quien le dio a Aguilera-Mederos la sentencia mínima por 27 cargos, que se cumplirán consecutivamente.

El 25 de abril de 2019, Aguilera-Mederos, de 26 años, conducía un tractor-remolque en la Interestatal...

Truck driver convicted in deadly Colorado crash gets 110 years

A truck driver convicted on charges in connection with a 2019 crash in Colorado that killed four people was sentenced Monday to 110 years in prison.

Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, of Houston, was sentenced in a Jefferson County, Colorado, courtroom by Judge A. Bruce Jones, who gave Aguilera-Mederos the minimum sentence on 27 counts, which will be served consecutively.

On April 25, 2019, Aguilera-Mederos, 26, was driving a tractor-trailer on Interstate 70 when the truck lost its brakes coming out...