ABS publishes wind-assisted propulsion guide

The newly-published ABS Guide to Wind-Assisted Propulsion System Installation provides class safety standards for the installation of wind-assisted systems. It is applicable to two leading wind-assisted propulsion technologies: Flettner rotors and wing sails, including both rigid and soft sails.

“Wind-assisted propulsion systems, which use wind thrust to reduce vessel fuel consumption have real potential to contribute to industry decarbonization objectives,” said Patrick Ryan, ABS Senior Vice...


Norsepower Rotor Sails confirmed savings of 8.2% fuel and associated CO2 in Maersk Pelican project

Norsepower Rotor Sails confirmed savings of 8.2% fuel and associated  CO2 in Maersk Pelican project

Two 30-metre tall Rotor Sails installed match initial fuel saving expectations

COPENHAGEN, LONDON, HELSINKI – 24 OCTOBER 2019: Norsepower Oy Ltd., together with project partners Maersk Tankers, Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) and Shell International Trading and Shipping Company Ltd., today announced successful trial results of two Norsepower Rotor Sails onboard the Maersk Tankers product...
