COLUMN | Winner takes it all: Boskalis binges with record profits, as Boluda takes silver and McDermott gets sued (again) [Offshore Accounts]

Whilst the first big consolidator of this offshore upcycle was Tidewater, rapidly followed by ADNOC and AD Ports of Abu Dhabi, Europe is also experiencing a quiet wave of consolidation. Driving this is the biggest of the “Big Four” lowlands dredging and offshore companies, Boskalis. But whereas the gains in Tidewater have been open to […]

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Boskalis “mega hopper” dredge will be first MAN 49/60 marine application

The 31,000 cubic meter capacity “mega hopper” trailing suction hopper dredge (TSHD) ordered at Royal IHC by Royal Boskalis last year will be powered by three MAN 49/60 engines. This is the first marine application of MAN Energy Solutions’ most powerful diesel engine.

The MAN 49/60 successfully passed its type approval test in March 2023 and features a high power-per-cylinder of 1,300 kW, reducing the number of installed cylinders necessary to meet customer power demands. While in this particular...

Boskalis orders a methanol-ready megahopper

megahopper how it works

Two leading Dutch players are again pushing dredge technology forward. Following an extensive design phase that began in 2020, Boskalis has signed a contract with Royal IHC for a giant methanol-ready trailing suction trailing suction hopper dredge (TSHD). With a hopper volume of 31,000 cubic meters (40,546 cubic yards), it’s being described by Boskalis as a megahopper.

To be built at Royal IHC’s Krimpen aan den IJssel shipyard in the Netherlands, the vessel’s energy-efficient design will feature...

VESSEL REVIEW | Lotos-1 – Versatile sand dredger delivered to Russian inland waterway authority

The Southern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Centre, a division under Russia’s state-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation, has handed over a self-propelled dredger to local shipowner State Transport Leasing Company for operation by the country’s Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transportation (Rosmorrechflot). Lotos-1 is the first to be built under the Project 93.159 series of bucket-wheel […]

The post VESSEL REVIEW | Lotos-1 – Versatile sand dredger delivered to Russian inland waterway...

VESSEL REVIEW | R. B. Weeks – Second large hopper dredger for New Jersey marine contractor

Cranford, New Jersey-based marine projects company Weeks Marine (WMI) recently took delivery of a new trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) built by the Eastern Shipbuil ..

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VESSEL REFIT | Amazon – McDermott construction vessel upgraded to perform hex joint subsea installation

US-based McDermott International has resumed operations of one of its pipelay and construction vessels following its conversion in the Netherlands with the aim of equippi ..

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Marine Projects Vessel News Roundup | December 22 – Large jackup vessel for offshore wind installation plus new dredgers for Europe, India and Argentina

New dredgers and construction vessels are being delivered to customers in Europe and South America as one vessel for a German owner is nearing completion. An order has me ..

The post Marine Projects Vessel News Roundup | December 22 – Large jackup vessel for offshore wind installation plus new...

Marine Projects Vessel News Roundup | October 20 – US Army lock maintenance workboats, electric dredgers for Brazil and more

Delivered vessels include a turbine installation platform for a Chinese operator, an electric dredger for a Brazilian mining company, and a lock maintenance workboat for ..

The post Marine Projects Vessel News Roundup | October 20 – US Army lock maintenance workboats, electric dredgers for Brazil...