Russian Warships Shelling Towns Near Odesa as Naval Activity Increasers in Northern Black Sea

Graphic by H I Sutton used with permission

Russian ships are shelling targets in the suburbs of Odesa as naval activity ticks up in the Black Sea, the Pentagon said on Wednesday.

“We do see increased naval activity in the northern Black Sea,” a senior defense official told reporters on Wednesday.
We also have observed on our own the shelling of some town outside of Odessa near Odessa, but not in Odessa. We believe these are… from Russian warships in the Black Sea.

The official did not say if the...

Russian Navy Launches Amphibious Assault on Ukraine

Ivan Gren-class amphibious warship RTS Pyotr Morgunov (117) entering the Black Sea on Feb. 9, 2022. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

Russia launched an amphibious assault on Ukraine, bringing in thousands of naval personnel ashore, a senior defense official said Friday.

The amphibious assault is underway in the west of Ukraine, through the Sea of Azov, coming into Mariupol, the senior defense official told reporters.

Until now, the Russian navy largely played a supporting role in the...

Russian Navy Has Limited Role in Initial Invasion of Ukraine

Amphibious warship RTS Olenegorsky Gornyak (012) entering the Black Sea on Feb. 9, 2022. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

The Russian Navy acted largely in a supporting role as Russian ground and air assault forces entered Ukraine early Thursday morning in what a senior U.S. defense official called an “initial phase” of the assault against Ukraine.

The Russian force has made a three-axis assault in invading Ukraine, the official said. Forces moved south to north, going from Crimea to the...

Russian Navy Masses 16 Warships Near Syria

Slava-class guided-missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov departs Russian Northern Fleet base Severomorsk. Russian MoD Photo

Two Russian guided-missile cruisers from Russia’s North and Pacific fleets met off the coast of Syria as part of a 16-ship Russian Navy formation, according to satellite photos taken on Thursday.

Slava-class cruisers RTS Marshal Ustinov (055) and RFS Varyag (011) were part of a 16-ship formation in Syrian territorial waters near Russia’s sole foreign naval base in Tartus as...

Russian Navy Cruisers Positioned to Counter U.S., French and Italian Carrier Groups in the Mediterranean

Slava-class guided-missile cruiser Marshal Ustinov departs Russian Northern Fleet base Severomorsk. Russian MoD Photo

Three Russian guided-missile cruisers have been arrayed across the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea to counter three NATO carrier strike groups, causing concern in the Pentagon, a U.S. defense official told USNI News on Tuesday.

As of Monday, the three Slava-class cruisers were operating in and around the Aegean Sea – RTS Moskva (121) in the Black Sea, RFS Varyag (011) south of...

Ukraine on High Alert as Russian Naval Exercise Threatens to Block Parts of the Black Sea

Ivan Gren-class amphibious warship RTS Pyotr Morgunov (117) entering the Black Sea on Feb. 9, 2022. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

An upcoming Russian naval exercise has Ukraine worried, as the United States predicts a Russian invasion of the country could come any day.

The Russian exercise, which comes during continued tension between Russian and Ukraine, will block parts of the Black Sea, the Sea of Azoz and the Kerch Strait, leading the Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs to put out...

3 More Russian Navy Amphibs Enter the Black Sea

Ivan Gren-class amphibious warship RTS Pyotr Morgunov (117) entering the Black Sea on Feb. 9, 2022. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

Three more Russian Navy Amphibious warships have entered the Black Sea following a trio that entered the region on Tuesday, Istanbul-based ship spotters told USNI News.

Ropucha-class ships tank landing ships RTS Georgy Pobedonosets (016), RTS Olenegorsky Gornyak (012) and the more modern Ivan Gren-class RTS Pyotr Morgunov transited the Bosporus on Wednesday.

Six-Ship Russian Navy Amphibious Group, Attack Sub Approach Black Sea as Warships Mass in the Mediterranean

Ropucha-class ships tank landing ship RFS Kaliningrad (102) enters the Dardanelles Strait on Feb. 8, 2021. Photo by Yörük Işık‏ used with permission

A group of six Russian warships capable of landing tanks and troops ashore are nearing the entrance to the Black Sea, as the Russian Navy begins to mass ships in the Mediterranean, according to Tuesday morning photos of the warships provided to USNI News.

Three Ropucha-class tank landing ships – RFS Minsk (127), RFS Korolev (130) and RFS Kaliningrad