Ship captain, owner sought in Port of Beirut explosion case

Arrest warrants have been issued for the Russian captain and owner of the vessel that carried the ammonium nitrate believed to have caused the massive Port of Beirut explosion.

Al Jazeera said the final tally was 193 people dead, 6,500 wounded and 300,000 homeless as a result of the Aug. 4 blast, blamed on 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored in a Port of Beirut warehouse.

The ammonium nitrate, used in agricultural fertilizer, was destined for Mozambique in 2013. But the MV Rhosus...

Threat Of Legal Action Leads To Payment Of Fine Over Humber Incident

  • Master of a Russian oil tanker was fined a total of £25761.99 at Hull Magistrates Court.
  • Prosecuted for breaching the International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
  • CA Inspectors found a catalogue of deficiencies in navigation and safety equipment, together with significant non-compliance with the ISM Code.

According to the UK government, a company and one of its ship masters have paid up fines after being warned their boat could be seized if they didn’t pay.

Oil tanker fined

On the 14th June...