Carriers big and small at TCA wait for signs of freight market turnaround

PHOENIX – If there was a freight market bull at the annual meeting of the Truckload Carriers Association, that person was keeping pretty quiet. 

Conversations from the stage, at receptions and at meals had a consistent theme: Can you believe we’re still talking about this freight recession? In 2025? Didn’t we say at this meeting last year that things would be better by the end of 2024? 

At the Large Carrier panel, Dave Williams, senior vice president of equipment and government relations at...

Primer vistazo: Ryder Data ofrece señales mixtas sobre la fuerza del mercado de vehículos usados

Los datos del Sistema Ryder sobre las ventas de automóviles usados ​​mostraron un cambio significativo año tras año, según las ganancias del cuarto trimestre de la compañía publicadas el miércoles por la mañana. Que los datos de Ryder se consideran un indicador principal de la fuerza del mercado de...

First look: Ryder data offers mixed signals on strength of used vehicle market

Ryder System’s data on used car sales showed a significant change year on year, according to the company’s fourth-quarter earnings released Wednesday morning. That Ryder data is considered a leading indicator of the strength of the used vehicle market. The company only sold 4,700 vehicles during the quarter, compared to 7,200 a year ago. Third-quarter sales also were 4,700 units.

The used vehicle price obtained by Ryder (NYSE: R) was down 13% for tractors and 12% for trucks year on year....

Lower used truck prices will hit Ryder profitability in ’23

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After a blowout 2022, Ryder System is projecting more moderate profitability in 2023, with a decline...

Ryder’s revenue grew in 4th quarter while profitability soared more

Ryder System closed out 2021 with a 12-month performance during which its revenue growth was solid and its profitability improvement was spectacular. 

Post-tax operating earnings for Ryder (NYSE: R) as a whole rose to $181.8 million in the fourth quarter, a more than 700% increase from the $25.8 million in operating earnings for the fourth quarter of 2020. For the company as a whole, an operating loss of $112 million in 2020 turned into operating earnings of $521.6 million in 2021.

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