SAL Heavy Lift and Intermare Group Creates – SAL Heavy Lift, Italy

Hamburg, 30 April 2019

SAL Heavy Lift and Intermare Group Creates – SAL Heavy Lift, Italy

Hamburg – SAL Heavy Lift GmbH and Genoa based Intermare Group is very happy to announce the appointment of SAL Heavy Lift, Italy as the official representative for SAL in the Italian market.

Commencing 1st of May 2019, SAL Heavy Lift, Italy will open its doors to existing and new clients and will be greeted by the familiar faces of Mr. Marco Campodonico, Mr. Mauro Morasso, and Mr. Paolo Boccoleri who with...

SAL Heavy Lift, Spain opens its doors

SAL Heavy Lift, Spain opens its doors

Hamburg, 1 April 2019

SAL Heavy Lift and Davila Group come together to establish SAL Heavy Lift, Spain.  

SAL Heavy Lift GmbH is proud to announce that together with its Spanish business partner Grupo Davila (Davila Group), a new entity has been formed to represent SAL in the Spanish market.

As of 1st of April 2019, SAL Heavy Lift, Spain will open its doors to Spanish clients.

In charge will be Sr. Carlos Claramunt Lebrón – a familiar name to many, who brings...