COLUMN | Looking to the future: Petrobras newbuilds; James Fisher; Saudi Arabia’s NEOM plans; TotalEnergies and Sapura; wind bust timing [Offshore Accounts]

“Brazil is the country of the future,” goes the cliché that the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig declared in 1941 as the opening line of his book Brazil, Land of the Future. Zweig wrote in exile there, and a year later, he and his wife deliberately killed themselves with a drug overdose. Brazilians then began joking […]

The post COLUMN | Looking to the future: Petrobras newbuilds; James Fisher; Saudi Arabia’s NEOM plans; TotalEnergies and Sapura; wind bust timing [Offshore Accounts] appeared first...

COLUMN | There’s a price to be paid: ADES, Seadrill, and Icon jackup rigs; Sapura; Adnoc Drilling, Aban and others; Saipem and Lukoil [Offshore Accounts]

Eighteen months ago, we highlighted (here) the transformation of the Middle Eastern oilfield services market as big, state-owned players in Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, an ..

The post COLUMN | There’s a price to be paid: ADES, Seadrill, and Icon jackup rigs; Sapura; Adnoc Drilling, Aban and others;...