Αγγελική Φράγκου: Η Navios ναύλωσε τέσσερα δεξαμενόπλοια ΜΡ2 στη Saudi Aramco

Η συμφωνία θα εισφέρει επιπλέον στα ταμεία της Navios περί τα 110 εκατομμύρια δολάρια σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες από ναυλομεσιτικά γραφεία


COLUMN | What could possibly go wrong? Local content in Nigeria, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Qatar [Offshore Accounts]

“They come over here, taking our jobs and stealing our women,” is a familiar refrain against foreigners all around the world, as likely to be uttered from Dublin to Durban, from Dusseldorf to Des Moines, and from Denpasar to Dubai (well, probably not the second part in the UAE, but we won’t dwell...


COLUMN | Too sweet: Tidewater; Hayfin Capital; Taiwan CSOVs; Island Offshore [Offshore Accounts]

Irish singer-songwriter Hozier recently managed to top the singles charts in Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom with the indie hit “Too Sweet”, which also peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 in the US. The memorable chorus, “I take my whiskey neat, my coffee black and my bed at...


COLUMN | Correcting course: Aramco and jackups; Siem Offshore and Kristian Siem; Ferguson Marine; MMA Offshore; Maersk/Svitzer [Offshore Accounts]

Harold Macmillan was supposedly once asked what the most troubling problem of his time as British Prime Minister was. “Events, my dear boy, events,” was his reply. I thought I had this week’s column nailed well in advance, but offshore is an industry especially susceptible to unexpected and hard to predict “events”. So, we must […]

The post COLUMN | Correcting course: Aramco and jackups; Siem Offshore and Kristian Siem; Ferguson Marine; MMA Offshore; Maersk/Svitzer [Offshore Accounts] appeared...


COLUMN | Reaping what you sow: McDermott, Seatrium, Gunvor and Trafigura [Offshore Accounts]

It seems appropriate to get all biblical this week, just after Easter. When Saint Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians that “a man reaps what he sows,” he probably wasn’t thinking about corruption in the oil and gas industry two millennia later. But the last month has seen no less than four...


COLUMN | Winner takes it all: Boskalis binges with record profits, as Boluda takes silver and McDermott gets sued (again) [Offshore Accounts]

Whilst the first big consolidator of this offshore upcycle was Tidewater, rapidly followed by ADNOC and AD Ports of Abu Dhabi, Europe is also experiencing a quiet wave of consolidation. Driving this is the biggest of the “Big Four” lowlands dredging and offshore companies, Boskalis. But whereas the gains in Tidewater have been open to […]

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COLUMN | Lowered expectations: Saudi Arabia’s oil production; Nigeria’s currency; SBM’s whistleblower; Falkland Islands’ FPSO [Offshore Accounts]

The novelist Jodi Picoult once said that, “there are two ways to be happy: improve your reality, or lower your expectations.” Changing the world for the better is hard, but there have been a lot of expectations lowered in the offshore industry this week. Unfortunately, these reduced expectations seem to have produced little joy in […]

The post COLUMN | Lowered expectations: Saudi Arabia’s oil production; Nigeria’s currency; SBM’s whistleblower; Falkland Islands’ FPSO [Offshore Accounts] appeared...


COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2023: Days 4 to 6: Seadrill, Gulf Drilling International and ADES; five shipping magnates on future fuels; six corrupted states and Al Jazeera [Offshore Accounts]

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me… a partridge in a pear tree, according to the ancient English carol, but at Baird Maritime, that’s the cue for a dozen topical features about the offshore industry. Lovers of festive traditions get scrolling, as for the fourth year in a row, we […]

The post COLUMN | The Twelve Days of Christmas 2023: Days 4 to 6: Seadrill, Gulf Drilling International and ADES; five shipping magnates on future fuels; six corrupted states and Al Jazeera...


COLUMN | The chickens come home to roost again: Swiber charges in Singapore; Texas judicial investigation; CWind sold; Guardian Geomatics sold; Newbuild! Newbuild! [Offshore Accounts]

This week we look at consequences: judicial consequences, legal consequences, the consequences of bad strategy and bad execution, and the inevitable consequences of high day rates. Ladies and gentlemen, there is a newbuilding anchor handler out there, being built as you read this. Adjust your forecasts accordingly. But first, we look at other consequences. Goh-Goh […]

The post COLUMN | The chickens come home to roost again: Swiber charges in Singapore; Texas judicial investigation; CWind sold;...
