Incat Crowther commissioned to design FSIV trio

Fast support intervention vessel (FSIV) aft deck

Singapore shipbuilder Lita Ocean has commissioned Incat Crowther to design three new ABS-classed monohull fast support intervention vessels (FSIVs) for Saudi Arabia’s Zamil Offshore, which will use the 60-meter vessels to transport cargo, heavy maintenance equipment and personnel for Saudi Aramco’s operations in the Middle East. The vessels will comply with the latest Saudi Aramco requirements, including ABS SMART and IDM-A notations.

The fast support vessels will be powered by four MTU 16V4000M6...

Offshore Vessel News Roundup | October 10 – A new Japanese installation ship, a Chinese cable transport barge and more

A Japanese owner adds an installation vessel to its fleet while construction continues on a heavy transport vessel that will support submarine cable works in China. A UK-Norwegian partnership unveils a new design of offshore wind maintenance vessel. Finally, a Saudi operator places orders for three fast crewboats. Japan’s PKY Marine adds installation jackup to […]

The post Offshore Vessel News Roundup | October 10 – A new Japanese installation ship, a Chinese cable transport barge and more...

H πρώτη επένδυση της Aramco στο LNG

Ο ενεργειακός κολοσσός Aramco υπέγραψε πρόσφατα οριστικές συμφωνίες για την απόκτηση ενός στρατηγικού μειοψηφικού μεριδίου της MidOcean Energy, εταιρείας η οποία έχει ιδρυθεί και λειτουργεί υπό τη διαχείριση της επενδυτικής εταιρείας EIG και δραστηριοποιείται στον κλάδο του LNG.

Το ύψος της εν λόγω επένδυσης, η ολοκλήρωση της οποίας υπόκειται σε όρους και νομικές εγκρίσεις, ανέρχεται στα 500 εκατ. δολάρια, με την Aramco να διαθέτει την επιλογή να αυξήσει μελλοντικά τη συμμετοχή και τα δικαιώματά...

COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea exodus [Offshore Accounts]

One of the delights of the offshore market recovery has been the surge in charter rates for platform supply vessels (PSVs) around the world. Tidewater’s triumphant presentation at the Barclays CEO Energy Conference earlier this month showed the potency of the market recovery that the company has driven ever onwards and upwards after its acquisition […]

The post COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea...

COLUMN | Changing course: McDermott restructures (again); Siemens Gamesa bleeds (again); UK wind auction fails [Offshore Accounts]

Sometimes the inevitable needs to happen before things can change. Failure can be a catalyst for action. At other times, it can just be part of a repetitive cycle of doom. This week, we look at the world’s ugliest offshore construction company, which faces more grief, a wind turbine manufacturer whose woes we predicted 18 […]

The post COLUMN | Changing course: McDermott restructures (again); Siemens Gamesa bleeds (again); UK wind auction fails [Offshore Accounts] appeared first on Baird Maritime.

COLUMN | The wheels of justice grind slowly: McDermott International’s multiple problems; Nigeria’s former oil minister charged with corruption in UK [Offshore Accounts]

In 1964, the American civil rights activist Dr Martin Luther King Jr delivered a sermon at Wesleyan University in Connecticut, closing by saying, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” How inspiring, how suitable for a motivational poster. But what about President Vladimir Putin’s lengthy and murderous tenure, what […]

The post COLUMN | The wheels of justice grind slowly: McDermott International’s multiple problems; Nigeria’s former oil minister charged with...

COLUMN | Getting results: Valaris; Tidewater; Golden Energy Offshore; Boskalis in Yemen [Offshore Accounts]

Who said that August was a month for relaxing by the beach? No book reviews for your sun lounger this year. Instead, we plunge into the results reporting season and an analysis of some of the recent deals in the offshore sector. Valaris exercises bargain Korean options The drillers are in a sweet...

International Maritime Industries Inks $346m Deals

Credits: Fredrick Filix/ Unsplash
International Maritime Industries (IMI), the largest shipyard in the region, has signed 10 agreements worth up to SR1.3 billion ($346 million) at this year’s In-Kingdom Total Value Add 2023 (IKTVA) programme, says an article published on Trade arabia.
Largest shipyard
IMI is a joint venture between leading industry partners Saudi Aramco, Bahri, Lamprell, and Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI), is the largest shipyard in the Mena region at nearly 12 million sq m.

Saudi Aramco Funds Brooklyn Ammonia-to-fuel Startup

Credit: jose-lebron-unsplash
  • In the race to find cleaner fuels, the heavy duty transportation sector is woefully behind because batteries don’t have enough juice to power trucks and ships.
  • Enter ammonia. New technology and new companies are working on turning ammonia into hydrogen to power tractors, trucks and even ships.

A recent news source published in the CNBC by Diana Ofick states that Saudi Aramco backs Brooklyn-based startup turning ammonia into fuel.

Emissions from shipping increases


CEO Aramco: Ελλιπείς οι επενδύσεις σε πετρέλαιο και φυσικό αέριο

Καθώς η περιβαλλοντική κρίση συνεχίζει να εντείνεται και η ανάγκη απεξάρτησης από τα ορυκτά καύσιμα ως πηγή ενέργειας καθίσταται ολοένα εντονότερη, πολλές είναι οι φωνές που απαιτούν αυστηρές πολιτικές αποφάσεις απέναντι στο πετρέλαιο και στο φυσικό αέριο.

Ωστόσο, σε πρόσφατη τοποθέτησή του, ο Amin Nasser, CEO της κορυφαίας εταιρείας ενέργειας Saudi Aramco, αντέτεινε ότι οι επενδύσεις σε πετρέλαιο και φυσικό αέριο είναι ελλιπείς για να καλύψουν τη ζήτηση μακροπρόθεσμα. Ο εν λόγω ισχυρισμός...