COLUMN | Riding the rollercoaster (again): ARO, Deep Value Driller, Dolphin, UDS, MEO and Uniwise [Offshore Accounts]

Last week (here), we looked at the recovery of the drilling market, epitomised by the return to a public listing of Dolphin Drilling in Oslo on September 15. A few days l ..

The post COLUMN | Riding the rollercoaster (again): ARO, Deep Value Driller, Dolphin, UDS, MEO and Uniwise [Offshore Accounts]

COLUMN | There’s a price to be paid: ADES, Seadrill, and Icon jackup rigs; Sapura; Adnoc Drilling, Aban and others; Saipem and Lukoil [Offshore Accounts]

Eighteen months ago, we highlighted (here) the transformation of the Middle Eastern oilfield services market as big, state-owned players in Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, an ..

The post COLUMN | There’s a price to be paid: ADES, Seadrill, and Icon jackup rigs; Sapura; Adnoc Drilling, Aban and others;...

COLUMN | The Metals Company raises cash to stay afloat [Offshore Accounts]

Ah, Gerard Barron, Chairman and CEO of The Metals Company! My column would “suck without you,” as Kelly Clarkson once put it (here). In the words of that song ..

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Saudi Aramco: Ενίσχυση του χαρτοφυλακίου με νέα εξαγορά

Ο σαουδαραβικός πετρελαϊκός κολοσσός Saudi Aramco ανακοίνωσε τη Δευτέρα 1η Αυγούστου ότι προχώρησε στην εξαγορά της αμερικανικής πετρελαϊκής Valvoline Global Products έναντι $2,65 δισ.

Σύμφωνα με δήλωση του αντιπροέδρου της Aramco, Mohammed Y. Al Qahtani, η εξαγορά της Valvoline Global Products ενισχύει σε σημαντικό βαθμό την αναπτυξιακή στρατηγική της Aramco στον κλάδο των λιπαντικών. Παράλληλα θα ενισχύσει την προσπάθειά της για έρευνα και ανάπτυξη, ενώ ακόμη θα αυξήσει την παραγωγή προϊόντων...

COLUMN | The cash comes back to offshore: the North Sea lives again, Canada gets drilling, rigs are revived [Offshore Accounts]

After last week’s review of the Tullow/Capricorn merger, and the news that Shell and its partners are proceeding with the Crux project to provide new offshore gas for e ..

The post COLUMN | The cash comes back to offshore: the North Sea lives again, Canada gets drilling, rigs are revived [Offshore...

COLUMN | Saudi Aramco surpasses Apple – and hires 26 more jackup drilling rigs and dozens of extra offshore vessels! [Offshore Accounts]

This month Saudi Arabian state oil company Saudi Aramco surpassed Apple as the world’s most valuable company. The world’s biggest oil producer is now the world’s bi ..

The post COLUMN | Saudi Aramco surpasses Apple – and hires 26 more jackup drilling rigs and dozens of extra offshore vessels!...

COLUMN | Singapore spin hits Cayman secrecy? Temasek, Keppel, Baluran and Kyanite’s US$2.9 billion drilling rig deal is very hard to follow [Offshore Accounts]

It’s the biggest offshore rig deal of 2022, and it is the most confusing by far. The complexities of the deal scream out why more transparency is needed in corporate di ..

The post COLUMN | Singapore spin hits Cayman secrecy? Temasek, Keppel, Baluran and Kyanite’s US$2.9 billion drilling rig deal is...

H Saudi Aramco στην κορυφή των κεφαλαιαγορών

Τον θρόνο της Apple ως μεγαλύτερη εταιρεία παγκοσμίως σε όρους κεφαλαιοποίησης «έκλεψε» ο κολοσσός πετρελαίου Saudi Aramco.

Πιο συγκεκριμένα, πρόσφατα η κεφαλαιοποίηση της Saudi Aramco άγγιξε τα $2,43 τρισ. λόγω των ιδιαίτερα αυξημένων τιμών των ενεργειακών αγαθών. Η εν λόγω άνοδος ήταν αρκετή για να ξεπεράσει την κεφαλαιοποίηση της Apple, η οποία παρότι είχε καταστεί η πρώτη εταιρεία της οποίας η κεφαλαιοποίηση ξεπέρασε τα $3 τρισ., πλέον η αξία της εκτιμάται στα $2,37 τρισ.

Υπενθυμίζεται ότι το...

Aramco Receives Middle East’s First Notation Recognizing Infectious Disease Mitigation

Aramco Karan 8

Aramco’s hydrographic survey vessel, KARAN 8, has become the first in the Middle East region and second worldwide to be awarded an ABS Infectious Disease Mitigation (IDM) notation. The ABS-classed KARAN 8 has met the requirements outlined in the ABS “Guide for Mitigation of Infectious Disease Transmission on Board Marine and Offshore Assets,” which was developed from a range of independent governmental and commercial guidance, including the United States Centers for Disease Control and...