Strategic cargo theft costing carriers, brokers millions in freight in Q1

Scammers impersonating and taking the identities of legitimate carriers and brokers to steal loads for a quick payday is at an all-time high, according to Scott Cornell, transportation lead and crime and theft specialist at Travelers.

Cornell said Travelers is seeing a higher incidence of double brokering for strategic cargo theft. That involves criminals using stolen motor carrier identities or operating authorities or even a broker’s identity to obtain freight and misdirect it from the...

Cargo theft up as thieves take advantage of increased traffic, idled shipments

Record container backlogs at U.S. ports and overstressed supply chains are creating conditions ripe for cargo theft, according to experts.

“The backlog across all logistics infrastructure is causing containers and shipments to sit idle, not just in the ports but outside the ports, increasing opportunities for them to be targeted by criminals,” Ron Greene, vice president of business development at Overhaul, told FreightWaves.

Overhaul is a real-time visibility and risk management platform based in...

Crack down on cargo theft with situational awareness

Trucks in a parking lot

Commercial truck drivers look forward to good meals, warm showers and rest at truck stops after arduous days on the road. But this much-needed period of relaxation can quickly turn stressful for victims of cargo theft. 

Driver downtime far too often results in downtime for truck and trailer security too. It only takes a few minutes away from your trailer to become a victim of cargo theft, which is why it’s important to take preliminary steps to protect your payload.

Although it’s impossible to...

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