Prime Minister Scott Morrison is correct: inefficient ports are a tax on all Australians

Pictured: containers in a stack. Photo credit: Dale Staton via Unsplash.

Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison recently, and quite correctly, noted that our ports are the gateway for our economy. He is also quite correct in asserting that port inefficiency is a tax on all Australians.

And our container ports are inefficient.

Our container ports can take days to get a ship to berth.

Our container ports take a long time to process ships. Our slowest port takes up to 51.7 hours of on-berth time...

Shipping Australia agrees with the PM: unions must not be allowed to do the “wrong thing” on the wharfs!

Pictured: Scott Morrison, the 30th Prime Minister of Australia. Mr Morrison said that “it’s very important that we don’t allow the unions on the wharfs to do the wrong thing”. We agree. Photo supplied by the Commonwealth of Australia.

Shipping Australia thoroughly supports the comments about unions made by the Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently, on 15 November 2021, at St Marys, NSW.

In response to a reporter’s question about supply chain problems, the PM said:

“it’s very important that we...