Charterers To Go Picky Over New IMO Carbon Rules  

  • New efficiency standards to squeeze tonnage supply
  • Charterers may embrace only efficient ships
  • Onus on shipowners to face carbon conundrum

Draft amendments to the International Maritime Organization’s mandatory rules on reducing carbon in existing ships by 2023 are likely to result in new clauses in charter party agreements that could make hiring ships challenging, says an article published in Platts. 

The move is expected to give a strong push to the scrapping of old tonnage and expand the...

Scrubber Market Readies for Rebound Amid Anticipations

The scrubber market is ready for a rebound as suppliers anticipate promising quicker installations and new technologies, says an article published in Riviera Maritime Media.

Scrubbers an attractive investment

Based on various factors, scrubbers can be an attractive investment for shipowners for emissions compliance. Few factors listed are:

  • equipment price, 
  • installation cost, 
  • how many days a ship sails within an emissions control area, 
  • the price differential between HFO and MGO, 
  • fuel...