An Uptake Of Scrubber Installations On Ships

  • Should the economics driving scrubber uptake appear compelling for an individual owner, they must first consider, for instance, space availability and any structural changes and reinforcements that may be needed, said Olli Somerkallio, COO, Foreship.
  • Expectations are high that exhaust gas scrubber technology demand will soon be resurge.

According to an article published in Marine Link, Installing scrubber systems on ships that were never envisaged to have them on board has brought well...

Shipping Rules Cleanses Air, Yet Clashes With Water

  • A 2020 regulation aimed at cutting sulfur emissions from ship exhaust is prompting many owners to install scrubbing systems that capture pollutants in water and then dump some or all of the waste into the sea.
  • Researchers are particularly worried about discharges in areas that IMO has designated as ecologically sensitive.

In an unwelcome twist, a global effort to curb pollution from the heavy fuel oil burned by most big ships appears to be encouraging water pollution instead, says an article...

Clean Shipping Alliance Contradicts ICCT’s Wash Water Report

  • The environmental group ICCT published a report on wash water discharge given out by scrubbers.
  • The Clean Shipping Alliance expresses its concern about the wrong perception of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (“scrubbers”) and wash water discharges.

Following the release of a report by environmental group ICCT, the Clean Shipping Alliance expresses its concern about the wrong perception of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (“scrubbers”) and wash water discharges portrayed in the publication, says an...

EGCS Critics Uses ICCT’s Report To Reiterate Scrubber Technology

  • Critics of marine exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) have used the launch of a new report to renew calls for restrictions on use of the technology.
  • It also prompts advocates of so-called scrubber technology to reiterate their position that there is no evidence to suggest such measures are warranted.

According to an article published in Ship&Bunker, Critics of marine exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) have used the launch of a new report to renew calls for restrictions on use of the...

Update on Scrubber Discharge Bans in Countries & Ports

Countries and Ports to hold Restrictions on EGCS Discharges Apply, an article was published on North P&I Club.

Scrubber in shipping industry

It is known that the use of scrubbers has split the shipping industry. To date, several ports and regions have stated that they will not allow the discharge of washwater from scrubbers.

In light of the above, North P&I Club summarized the positions taken by ports that have or will prohibit the use of scrubbers, or have placed conditions on their use.


Environmental Impacts from Ships With Scrubbers

  • IMO’s guidelines for scrubber discharges have not been strengthened since 2008, despite being reviewed in 2009, 2015, and 2020.
  • SO2 emissions from ships using 2.6% sulfur HFO with a scrubber are on average 31% lower than ships using 0.07% sulfur MGO.
  • Particulate matter emissions are nearly 70% higher using HFO with a scrubber compared with MGO.
  • IMO should consider prohibiting the use of scrubbers on newbuild ships and phasing out scrubbers on existing ships.

The number of ships using exhaust...

Yet Another Country Says “No” To Open Loop Scrubbers

  • Oman has become the latest country to ban the use of open-loop scrubbers in its territorial waters.
  • Wash water from scrubbers are not allowed to be discharged in Oman’s waters unless an approved private facility is used.

Oman has banned the use of open-loop scrubbers within its territorial waters, reports the Standard Club.

A note from Inchcape Shipping Services relayed via Standard Club warned that there was no known limit for pollution fines due to the discharge of scrubber washwater in Oman...

Scrubber Waste Collection Not a Problem in Rotterdam

According to a Cyprus Shipping News report, scrubber waste collection in the port, is no problem in Rotterdam. 

Options to comply

With IMO 2020 approaching rapidly, shipping companies must have by this time chosen between switching to low-sulphur fuel or installing scrubbers to comply with the new standards.

Scrubbers filter the sulphur from the exhaust gases released during the combustion of high-sulphur heavy fuel oil. 

Vessels are well-served in Rotterdam, in both cases.

Cleaner shipping 

The new...

‘No Seawater’ Using Scrubber Approved by DNV GL

According to a Seatrade Maritime News report, a dry exhaust cleaning system, or scrubber, that does not use seawater, has been certified by classification society DNV GL.

Promising Results

The Bicar dry scrubber developed by Solvay and Andritz was installed on the ro-pax ferry Piana operated by La Méridionale in April this year and according to a joint press release from the three companies has shown“very promising” first results.

How Effective It Is?
  • The companies said that more than 96% of SOx...

The New Frontiers in Gaining Acceptance for Scrubber Technology

To overcome continuing industry unease over scrubbers, seven questions need to be addressed, EGCSA director Don Gregory told delegates at Riviera Maritime Media’s Americas Sulphur Cap 2020 Conference in Houston, writes Edwin Lampert in an article published in Marine Propulsion.

Gathering Help to Solve the Puzzle

Reflecting on discussions at the beginning of the conference’s second day, Mr Gregory asked for the gathering’s help in “resolving the underlying puzzle that we face”.

“Nobody has...

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