Scrubber-fitted Ships Doubled After IMO 2020 Launch

According to BIMCO data, the number of scrubber-fitted ships has nearly doubled from 2,011 ships to 3,935, says an article published in Offshore Energy.

Scrubber-fitted ships 

Since January 1, 2020, the number of scrubber-fitted ships has nearly doubled from 2,011 ships to 3,935 between January 1, 2020 and March 1, 2021, data from BIMCO shows.

To meet IMO 2020 regulations

Scrubbers have been a very attractive solution for meeting the IMO 2020 regulation on cutting the sulphur content in marine...

Effect of Bunker Prices Spike on Scrubber-Fitted VLCCs

  • Non-scrubber fitted tankers in the red on key routes
  • Widening HSFO discount to LSFO may revive scrubber market
  • Rising LSFO prices to push up demand for HSFO

The rising discounts which high sulfur fuel oil is enjoying over its low sulfur cousin has resulted in a clear two-tier market for VLCCs, where tankers with scrubbers are showing daily earnings, or else running into losses, market participants said Feb. 16, reports S&P Global Platts.

About Scrubbers

Scrubbers are exhaust gas systems, which...