An Uptake Of Scrubber Installations On Ships

  • Should the economics driving scrubber uptake appear compelling for an individual owner, they must first consider, for instance, space availability and any structural changes and reinforcements that may be needed, said Olli Somerkallio, COO, Foreship.
  • Expectations are high that exhaust gas scrubber technology demand will soon be resurge.

According to an article published in Marine Link, Installing scrubber systems on ships that were never envisaged to have them on board has brought well...

Second Wave of Scrubber Installations Supporting HSFO Demand

A second wave of scrubber installations will likely sweep the marine industry as the price differential between high sulfur fuel oil and very low sulfur fuel oil, or the Hi-5 spread, stabilizes to normal levels at major bunkering hubs, supporting HSFO demand at a time when there is a growing impetus towards greener fuels to meet shipping’s environmental goals, market sources said, reports Platts.

HSFO’s Share

“After the quick adjustment to the global sulfur cap, the decline in HSFO’s share of...

Foreship To Embrace Scrubber Technology

Expectations are high that exhaust gas scrubber technology demand will soon be resurgent. But what lessons have been learned from installations and which type will dominate, analyzes an Ship & Bunker article.

Scrubber systems on ships

Installing scrubber systems on ships that were never envisaged to have them on board has brought well documented challenges for older tonnage, with accurate drawings and documents sometimes hard to source. Where class documentation is concerned, meanwhile, different...

Scrubber Repair Industry To Bloom With Rising Demand

  • After the rapid growth in scrubber installations in the years before 2020, the industry providing repairs to the emissions-cleaning systems is starting to expand.
  • US-based Logan Industries announced this week that it would now offer scrubber overboard pipe repairs from its facility in HempsteadTexas.
  • It would work together with its Dutch sister company Verolme.

According to a recent news article published in the Ship and Bunker, scrubber repair industry expands further.

A lot of warnings


Scrubber Market Readies for Rebound Amid Anticipations

The scrubber market is ready for a rebound as suppliers anticipate promising quicker installations and new technologies, says an article published in Riviera Maritime Media.

Scrubbers an attractive investment

Based on various factors, scrubbers can be an attractive investment for shipowners for emissions compliance. Few factors listed are:

  • equipment price, 
  • installation cost, 
  • how many days a ship sails within an emissions control area, 
  • the price differential between HFO and MGO, 
  • fuel...

Tanker Owners Delay Scrubber Installations As Floating Storage Demand Increases!

Following DHT and Scorpio, a third tanker operator International Seaways is postponing scrubber installations, writes Malcolm Latarche for an article published in ShipInsight.

Align with natural dry docking days 

According to a Platts report, following DHT and Scorpio, a third tanker operator International Seaways is postponing scrubber installations.

Delayed scrubber installations

Three of the owner’s 10 VLCC scrubber installations have been delayed to align with the next natural dry docking days...

Scorpion Tankers: To Retrofit or Not To Retrofit!

  • Scorpio has been one of the most vocal supporters for scrubbers, which have been installed on about 4,000 of the biggest ships in the 60,000-strong commercial fleet
  • Scrubber cheerleader Scorpio postpones retrofits ‘where possible.’
  • Some 51 tankers in Scorpio’s fleet of 137 product tankers have yet to have scrubbers installed as of March 27.

Scorpio Tankers signalled it will delay their installation on any remaining vessels in its fleet where possible, but only because current earnings for...

Torm Postpone Some Scrubber Installations Until 2020 Due To Delays

Copenhagen-headquartered products tanker operator Torm, in its latest quarterly report, says it has decided to postpone some scrubber installations to the first and the second quarter of 2020, reports Marine Log.

Scrubber installations

Torm says it expects to install a total of 44 scrubbers and has since the last quarter committed to an additional ten scrubber installations.

The company said, 

  • The new installations support our balanced approach to the new sulfur regulation, according to which...

‘No Scrubber’ Policy Threatens To Affect ONE’s Profit

Ocean Network Express (ONE) could “pay the price” for not investing in scrubber technology, says an article published in the LoadStar.

Face The Sulphur Cap Burn

According to Alphaliner, the carrier will be more exposed than its rivals to the higher cost of low-sulphur fuel.

The consultant said the Japanese carrier was the only one of the top 10-ranked carriers that will have no ships equipped with exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) that allow a vessel to continue to consume cheaper HFO [heavy...

IMO 2020: Seanergy Actively Implementing Its Scrubber Installation Plans

According to a recently published DryBulk article, Seanergy Maritime Holdings Corp. has announced the successful installation and commissioning of the first three exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) on the M/V Lordship, M/V Partnership and M/V Championship.

Scrubber open loop U-Type

The scrubbers are open loop U-Type design, built by Hyundai Materials Corporation of Korea and have the capacity to comply with the stricter 0.1% sulfur fuel content limit applicable in environmentally controlled...