Wärtsilä to upgrade scrubbers on four Color Line ships

With pressure growing for bans on the discharge of exchaust gas scrubber wash water, Norway’s Color Line has placed an order that will see Wärtsilä add close-looped functionality to the current open-loop scrubbers on four of its vessels. The scrubber upgrade will be carried out on two large Color Line Ro-Pax and two high-speed Ro-Pax vessels, which sail between Norway and Denmark, and Norway and Germany, and will commence at the latter end of 2024.

Denmark will ban scrubber water discharges



Pressure grows for Baltic wide ban on scrubber water discharges

The pressure for a Baltic wide ban on the discharge of wash water from ships’ exhaust gas cleaning systems, or scrubbers, is growing. And advocates of the Baltic ban have hopes that it could snowball into wider international action at the IMO.

Denmark will ban scrubber water discharges

As we reported recently, from July 1, 2025, the discharge of exhaust gas scrubber water from ships will be prohibited in waters up to 22 kilometers (about 12 nautical miles) off the Danish coast. In announcing...


Wash Water Discharge is Not Marine Pollution, Says Disappointed CSA

The Clean Shipping Alliance is “disappointed” in the recent decision to restrict exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubber) wash water discharge, says a press release published on their website.

Announcement from Turkey

The Clean Shipping Alliance expressed disappointment in the 6 April announcement from the Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization that they will restrict the discharge of wash water in the territorial waters of the country, based on its marine pollution regulation.

For more...


US To Set New ‘VIDA’ Regulation For Discharges

The US is planning a new set of regulations for discharges from tankers (and other vessels), including from ballast water and scrubber wash water, the “Vessel Incidental Discharge Act”. Steve Candito, CEO of Ecochlor, explained the implications, reports Tanker Operator.

New Regulations

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is proposing a new set of regulations covering discharge of ballast water and scrubber wash water (among a list of 20 different types of discharge), under the new Vessel...


Is Scrubber Wash Water Safe for the Environment?

Industry experts warn that the indiscriminate discharge of scrubber wash water into the sea could pose serious risks to marine life and human health, reports The Manila Times.

Harm marine life and pollute the sea

Some Philippine ships use the scrubbers or chemicals used to remove pollutants from engine exhaust. Scrubbers are akin to a car’s exhaust filter, as they can reduce or remove pollutants from the ship’s fuel chemical process to release clean smoke. 

With scrubbers, 

  • A pollutant residue...


Scrubber Alliance Demands Few Open Loop Bans

In a major development, the Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA) calls for no bans on open-loop scrubbers, says an article published in Hands International Maritime Journal.

The Alliance which has now over 30 shipping companies announced this recently, prior to the beginning of the IMO MEPC74 held in the middle of this month.

Scrubbers Washwater Environment-friendly?

At various meetings with government representatives, CSA members have submitted scientific evidence to show that washwater discharge...


Open Loop Scrubbers Viable for 80-90% of Global Shipping

  • Yara Marine sees 80-90% open loop scrubbers feasible, though a growing number of countries and regions around the world are introducing bans on the same.
  • Some studies shown no real environmental impact by open loop bans.
  • Few maintain that the effects of wash water have yet to be assessed or may even be harmful, or for reasons other than environmental concern.
  • Open loop scrubbers, do not perform effectively in water with low alkalinity, so systems supplying alkali in a closed loop are required.


Is European Commission Pushing Forward Restrictions on Scrubbers?

  • CSA 2020 raised concerns over the proposal the EC submitted to IMO on changing its
  • scrubber guidelines.
  • Proposal was for “evaluation and harmonization” of scrubber discharges across all ports, world-wide.
  • Scrubbers are accepted globally by the IMO, EU and others as an accepted means of improving air emissions quality in controlled areas.
  • A planned move to avoid open discussion in the absence of credible evidence to justify such a major change from the existing rules.
  • Conclusions of the BSH...


EC Meet to Harmonise Rules on Scrubber Wash Water Discharge

Recently, the Council of the European Union met to discuss issues pertaining to the scrubber wash water discharge. With just a year remaining for the IMO 2020 deadline and many countries like Singapore and China banning Open-loop Scrubbers, addressing this issue has become an urgent necessity.

The EC has issued a directive which would be presented at the IMO meeting scheduled to be held in London from 13-17th May 2019, says a press release on their website.

Here is an excerpt from that press...
