EGCS Critics Uses ICCT’s Report To Reiterate Scrubber Technology

  • Critics of marine exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) have used the launch of a new report to renew calls for restrictions on use of the technology.
  • It also prompts advocates of so-called scrubber technology to reiterate their position that there is no evidence to suggest such measures are warranted.

According to an article published in Ship&Bunker, Critics of marine exhaust gas cleaning systems (EGCS) have used the launch of a new report to renew calls for restrictions on use of the...

New Laws To Restrict Ballast Water Release Into UK Seas

New laws discussed to further protect United Kingdom coastlines by stopping international ships from discharging potentially harmful species into the sea, says an article published on UK Ship Register website. 

Ballast water into UK waters

The Merchant Shipping (Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments) Regulations 2020 would introduce legislation into UK law controlling the discharge of ships ballast water into UK waters. 

Ballast water can contain aquatic species that are...

Ports Too Quick To Ban Open-loop Scrubbers! Study Says No Breach of Guidelines!

  • Study says open-loop scrubber discharge does not breach guidelines.
  • Increase in traceable pollutants from open-loop scrubbers in port water and sediments shown but levels are far below the established guidelines.
  • CE Delft presented the paper to IMO during PPR 7 in February 2020 and also to delegates at the 2020 Clean Shipping Alliance in London.

A study by CE Delft shows that the level of traceable pollutants from open-loop scrubbers in port water and sediments are far below the established...

Heed To Local Restrictions Before Discharging Washwater

Though IMO considers exhaust gas scrubbers to be an acceptable means of reducing vessels’ sulphur emissions, some coastal states and ports have implemented local regulations with more stringent requirements that restrict the same, reports Gard.

Comply with MARPOL Annex VI

The IMO considers exhaust gas scrubbers to be an acceptable means of reducing vessels’ sulphur emissions and ensuring compliance with MARPOL Annex VI. 

A separate guideline, Resolution MEPC.259(68), specifies the requirements for

Is Scrubber Wash Water Safe for the Environment?

Industry experts warn that the indiscriminate discharge of scrubber wash water into the sea could pose serious risks to marine life and human health, reports The Manila Times.

Harm marine life and pollute the sea

Some Philippine ships use the scrubbers or chemicals used to remove pollutants from engine exhaust. Scrubbers are akin to a car’s exhaust filter, as they can reduce or remove pollutants from the ship’s fuel chemical process to release clean smoke. 

With scrubbers, 

  • A pollutant residue...

Scrubbers With HFO Better Solution Than Compliant Fuel

According to scrubber manufacturer Yara Marine Technologies CEO Peter Strandberg, “business is fantastic” at the moment given the rush ahead of IMO 2020. But he also believes the product has a more long term future in the marine sphere, says an article published in Seatrade Maritime News.

Spike in scrubber sales

Yara Marine is one of the top scrubber manufacturers and initially focused on the cruise sector, which took up scrubbers earlier than most general shipping. 

But is this move by general...

IMO Gears Up To Investigate Scrubbers’ Washwater

In a recent development, the International Maritime Organization’s MEPC, Marine Environment Protection Committee, announced that they will investigate open-looped scrubbers’ discharge, in particular, the environmental impact of the washwater, reports The MediTelegraph

Why this move?

Some ships use exhaust gas cleaning systems or scrubbers, accepted by their flag States as an alternative means to meet the sulphur limit requirement. The MEPC has considered proposals for a new agenda item so that...

Singapore Authorities Advise on Scrubber Residue Offload Procedure

The Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has issued advice on reception facilities for waste from closed-loop scrubbers, which is classified as toxic, says an article published in Seatrade Maritime News.

MPA assured reception facility for residues

Singapore announced last November that it would be banning the use of open-loop scrubbers from its port waters from 2020.

The MPA assured that as a party to MARPOL Annex VI that it would be providing reception facilities for residues generated...

The Real Issues in The Debate Over Scrubbers

With the new sulfur limit coming into force in 2020, ship owners and operators are looking to comply with the regulation, and a debate has ensued over the use of scrubbers, says a press release published on The LoadStar website.

The debate over the use of scrubbers include what are open-loop and closed-loop scrubbers and how harmful are scrubbers to the environment. Here’s an excerpt from it.

The new sulfur regulation

Here’s a quick recap of the new sulfur regulation:

  • In October 2016, the U.N....

Ports Revoke Open-loop Scrubber Ban After Publication of Academic Research

Clean Shipping Alliance 2020 (CSA 2020) has received written approvals and no-objection letters from several Port Authorities around the world indicating they have no intention of banning the use of open-loop scrubbers in their waters, says an article published in the Dry Bulk Magazine.

Washwater well within regulatory limits

Following successful meetings between port officials and CSA 2020 Executive Committee members, the ports approached indicated that they do not intend to submit any papers to...