COLUMN | Mining marriage made in heaven? DEME and Transocean co-operate in deep ocean minerals – new drillship conversion imminent after Allseas’ proof of concept [Offshore Accounts]

Some seriously odd things have been happening with everyone’s favourite penny stock deepsea mining player, The Metals Company. On January 31, Gerard Barron’s speculat ..

The post COLUMN | Mining marriage made in heaven? DEME and Transocean co-operate in deep ocean minerals – new drillship conversion...

OPINION | Killing of Orca for food off St. Lucia provokes woke storm

Why did the killing of a 900-pound killer whale (Orcinus orc) last month by fisherfolk from St. Lucia cause outrage? Certainly, the fisherfolk involved were astounded by ..

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World’s Second-Largest Trawler Discharges 100,000 Dead Fish Into The Atlantic

A Denmark-based vessel, the second-biggest fishing trawler in the world, discharged 100,000+ dead fishoff the French coast, into the Atlantic Ocean. The incident sent shockwaves throughout the country.

Annick Girardin, the minister of France fisheries said that the images were shocking. Giardin also mentioned that there would be a thorough examination whether it was a deliberate move.

The dump was executed early Thursday. It resulted from a rupture in the trawler’s net per Pelagic Freezer-Trawler...

Newly-formed non-profit to fund operations of Sea Shepherd vessel

Age of Union Alliance, an environmental non-government organisation (NGO) launched in October 2021, has made a donation of around US$4.5 million to fund the operating cos ..

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Man Stranded At Sea For 49 Hours Rescued

Survivors in the lounge of the Sam Simon

A man stranded at sea for 49 hours after the cargo vessel he was on-board sunk, was rescued. The rescue efforts were filmed on video. The vessel that he was on board, Niko Ivanka, had a Liberian registration and sunk sank off the coast of Liberia. It was travelling from the Liberian capital Monrovia to a port in the country’s south last Saturday. The ship was sailing despite having failed to meet the safety standards and already being placed in detention.

The vessel manifest recorded eighteen...

Ecuador to tackle IUU fishing

Sea Shepherd Legal entered into an agreement with Ecuador’s Office of the Attorney General to increase Ecuador’s capacity to fight illegal fishing and related criminal activity. Sea Shepherd Legal will provide training and other support to help Ecuador.

Ecuador accommodates rich marine ecosystems that serve as breeding, nursery, and feeding grounds for a vast array of highly sensitive marine species. However, the country faces poaching, threatening the long-term viability of marine biodiversity,...