IMO Establishes New Module on GISIS for Crew Change & Repatriation 

IMO establishes a new module on GISIS for crew change & repatriation of seafarers, reports BIMCO.

Series of revisions

The IMO has been issuing MSC.1/circ.1 in a series of revisions, each time a new Member State informs the IMO of their national focal point of contact for crew change and repatriation of seafarers. 

IMO announced via their circular letter no. 4398 dated 8th April,that a new module on Crew Change and Repatriation of Seafarers is now available on the Global Integrated Shipping...

How Can Employers Support Seafarers Wellbeing?

  • The maritime sector is increasingly turning its attention to environmental, social and corporate governance (“ESG”) issues.
  • While decarbonisation of shipping is at the top of the ESG agenda, there is also increasing awareness about crew welfare, as reflected by market analysis carried out by WFW in relation to shipowners, charterers and financial institutions.
  • “In December 2020, the IMO estimated that some 400,000 seafarers remained on board commercial vessels unable to be repatriated.”


Charters Prevent Crew Change, Condemns INTERCARGO

INTERCARGO says charterers in the dry bulk sector prevent much needed crew changes from taking place during the period of the charter, says a press release published on their website.

Owners accept to bear associated costs

INTERCARGO has learned that in a number of instances, charterers in the dry bulk sector have been preventing crew changes from taking place during the period of the charter, despite the ship owner agreeing to accept the associated costs.

Provisions and clauses ignored


Circumstances Outlined for Seafarers’ Repatriation

RMI outlines the circumstances under which seafarers must be repatriated by shipowners or operators, says an article published in Safety4Sea. 

The new Marine Notice

RMI outlines the circumstances under which seafarers must be repatriated by shipowners or operators and entitlements that must be accorded to seafarers pursuant to RMI Maritime Regulations (MI-108), §7.52.4.

These are outlined in the new Marine Notice 7-052-1 of July 2020.

General requirements

A seafarer employed on an RMI flag vessel...

Bring Home Crews Struggle Continue Despite Pledges by Countries

The struggle to bring home crews amid coronavirus chaos continues despite efforts to ease transit restrictions for seafarers, reports Reuters.

Struggle continues

Industry officials say that the ship owners and shipping companies are still struggling to get hundreds of thousands of crew members back home after many months at sea. 

The difficulty remains the same despite pledges by countries to ease transit restrictions for seafarers.

Countries including the UK, the United States, Singapore, the...