NTSB Details Lessons Learned in New ‘Safer Seas Digest’

  • The NTSB issued its Safer Sea Digest, sharing older and new lessons learned as identified thorough its incident investigations in 2019.
  • The issue aims to help mariners to view their operations with a critical eye and act accordingly in their day-to-day routines.

The National Transportation Safety Board has released a press release that gathers the most important lessons learned from marine accident investigations completed during calendar year 2019.

Safer Seas Digest 2019

The Safer Seas Digest...


WHO Issues Interim Guidance for Seafarers Safety During Pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) issues interim guidance for the safety of seafarers during the COVID-19 pandemic, says a press release published in SeaandCoast.

Seafarers health

The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued an interim guidance aimed at protecting the health of seafarers working on cargo ships and fishing vessels amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

About the guidance

This specific guidance (download here) addresses the unique situation of seafarers, who work in close contact...


6-Month Ban on Bulk Carrier for Crew Wages and Welfare

  • Australia bans bulk carrier Unison Jasper for underpaying seafarers.
  • The vessel has remained alongside in the Port of Newcastle, under detention, since 25 July 2020 for breaches to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC).
  • As explained, the breaches related to the operation of several sets of wage accounts and multiple conflicting seafarer employment agreements.
  • AMSA also found insufficient quantity and variety of food on board and an ineffective complaints procedure.

Australian Maritime Safety...


ITF Appeals Governments To Allow Seafarers’ Emergency Medical Treatment Ashore!

  • In violation to the provisions of MLC 2006, there have recently been several cases where seafarers were denied their legal right to medical treatment due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • In this regard, maritime social partners, JNG and ITF, urgently called on governments to step up and not use the COVID-19 to refuse seafarers’ human rights.

The International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) and Joint Negotiating Group (JNG) have called on governments to respect the rights of seafarers to...


Ship-visiting charities boost seafarers’ mental health

It is known that being a seafarer is a challenging work, while it might be one of the toughest jobs in the world. Although the shipping industry recognizes the daily difficulties that seafarers are dealing with, several organizations can’t cover all eventualities.

On top of the long separation from your loved ones your job can also be dangerous, mentally and physically demanding, and lonely. Serious accidents, fatalities and suicides are more common in your industry than most others, as are...


Seafarers stuck onboard due to COVID-19 lockdown

Following the COVID-19 pandemic situation and the travel bans that has brought, crewmembers’ transfers in Singapore and Shanghai have been ceased, as Bloomberg reported. Specifically, the port restrictions and the canceled flights that the outbreak has resulted, reduce the ability to replace seafarers onboard ships.

According to a letter by International Chamber of Shipping, around 100.000 seafarers need to be changed over from vessels in order to be in line with the maritime rules concerning...


INTERCARGO urges to permit crew changes despite COVID-19 restrictions

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak and the impacts that has brought upon the shipping industry, the dry bulk shipping association, INTERCARGO called all ports to keep permitting crew changes due to the increased number of national travel restrictions.

Namely, INTERCARGO informed that during this difficult pandemic, it is of vital importance to assist shipowners and seafarers to overcome these challenges by removing undue hinderance for seafarers so as to leave or join a ship in their ports.



Femfi focuses on seafarers mental health issues

According to the Manila Times, Far East Maritime Foundation Inc. (Femfi) in Philippines, held a mental health awareness campaign for seafarers, so as to avoid suicide incidents. Specifically, the initiative addressed how to ensure seafarers’ ability to work productively while improve their mental health.

In light of the situation, Femfi President, Cielito Ferias informed that Far East has tend its focus on several campaigns and projects for a healthy mental lifestyle of seafarers through the...


Case study: Chief Engineer fears for his life after experiencing harassment

Human Rights at Sea recently issued a case of bullying and harassment towards an Indian Chief Engineer from a Turskish Master onboard a Marshall Islands flagged vessel. In fact, the case remains redacted and the identities are protected, since the matter is under investigation by Human Rights at Sea.

The case

On the 15th November 2019, the Chief Engineering joined the vessel, which is owned and operated by a Turkish company in Istabul.

It is reported that during a bunkering operation in Djibouti...


Wearing the right gloves prevents finger injuries

The Gard P&I Club reported that over a ten year period between 2009-2018, a 25% of all the crew accidents were finger and hand injuries related. Based on the Club’s portofolio, the data presented that ratings are nearly twice as likely to suffer from such injuries in comparison to the officers.

Apart from the ratings, the majority of finger/hand injuries were reported to the able bodied seamen (AB), while officers and marine engineers are the most vulnerable ones.

As for the costs, around 15% of...
