254 Dr Therese Canning, Southampton Solent University

Words are powerful

Have you ever been the subject of a dissertation? The first 63 episodes of the Shipping Podcast laid the groundwork for an extensive research project, and now is the time to unveil the results.

It’s been eight years since Therese Canning contacted me to discuss her study. She mentioned using the interviews from this platform to explore what individuals in the maritime industry were discussing and who voiced opinions on sustainability.

Since then, Therese has conducted further...


África se ve cada vez más como la próxima frontera de tripulación

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Con escasez de tripulación Desde las naciones tradicionales de abastecimiento de marinas, el Grupo Schulte Shipmanager BSM ha recurrido a África occidental como su nueva fuente de marineros. El Bernhard Schulte Shelmement de Alemania está diversificando su grupo de...
