Employment And Skills Challenges In European Maritime Transport And Services Sector Highlighted

La Rochelle maritime symposium

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim shone a spotlight on the rights of seafarers and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recruitment and retention when speaking at the La Rochelle Maritime Symposium on ‘Employment and skills challenges in the European maritime transport and services sector’, held on 09 February, 2022.

Image Credits: imo.org

“We must not relent in our efforts to facilitate international travel for crew change purposes, including getting vaccinations and boosters as well as access...


UAE Government Resolution To Help Address Abandonment And Seafarers’ Rights

MT IBA beached

On 1 July 2021, the UAE Government’s Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure issued Cabinet Resolution No. (71) of 2021 on ‘Marine Wrecks And Violating Ships’ as part of its new pathway “to regulate the navigational activities, protection of the marine environment, safety and security of the UAE maritime sector and to protect the rights of seafarers on board ships in UAE waters and ports” detailed by its accompanying Circular. The Resolution was signed-off by Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al...


Supply chains firms urged to protect seafarers’ rights

Supply chains firms urged to protect seafarers’ rights

A wide-ranging set of guidance has been issued to help enterprises using shipping services to protect the human rights of seafarers, as hundred of thousands are still stranded on ships due to COVID-19 imposed travel restrictions.

The Human Rights Due Diligence Tool is a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the...


IMO: Supply Chains Firms Urged To Protect Seafarers’ Rights

​The Human Rights Due Diligence Tool is a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).​

A wide-ranging set of guidance has been issued to help enterprises using shipping services to protect the human rights of seafarers, as hundred of thousands are still stranded on ships due to COVID-19 imposed travel restrictions.

The Human Rights Due Diligence Tool is a joint initiative of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (UN Human Rights), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

The Due...


New COVID Variants Cause A Surge in Seafarers Needing Crew Change

Shipping is concerned that the numbers of seaferers being impacted by the crew change crisis are on the rise due to travel restrictions imposed by governments in response to new variants, reads a press release from ICS.

Surge in crew change crisis

A total of 200,000 seafarers remain affected by the crew change crisis, marking a reduction from the 400,000 when the crisis was at its peak, but ICS expressed concerns that this number is on the rise again due to travel restrictions imposed by...


RightShip Partners with Sustainable Shipping Initiative

  • RightShip has announced a new partnership with the Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) after a long-standing relationship.
  • To formalise the partnership, RightShip made a charitable donation to its ‘Delivering on Seafarers’ Rights’ project, part of a working group focused on the human side of shipping.
  • The project aims to enhance the support available for seafarers who are unable to access basic workers’ rights.
  • Particularly highlighted during the 2020/2021 crew change crisis that has...


A Timeline Of The Maritime Industry’s Initiatives For The Wellbeing Of Seafarers

Since the start of the pandemic, crew wellness has topped the industry agenda with international shipping bodies, unions and associations vowing for a fairer treatment of seafarers, reports Safety4Sea.

What actions has the industry taken to resolve this humanitarian crisis?

While crews remain trapped on their ‘floating prisons’ for consecutive months in breach of MLC, and amid reports of increased anxiety or even suicides, the maritime sees the launch of several initiatives aimed to show it cares...


Shipping Industry Leaders Launch Project For Delivering On Seafarers’ Rights

2021 World Maritime Theme – "Seafarers: At The Core Of Shippingʹs Future"

The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) and the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB), along with SSI members announce the launch of a new project focusing on seafarers’ labour and human rights.

Delivering on seafarers’ rights will be a joint project to develop a human rights code of conduct for charterers, and a roadmap for tackling systemic challenges which create human rights risks for seafarers – a widely-recognized gap in catalyzing industry-wide policy and practice.

Co-led by SSI...


Shipowners & Seafarers Rights in U.S. Coast Guard MARPOL Investigation

The U.S. Department of Justice aggressively prosecutes shipowners and operators of foreign-flag vessels calling at U.S. ports for MARPOL violations. These prosecutions are often the result of an initial inspection and investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard.

Despite this, most shipowners and seafarers aren’t aware of their rights and responsibilities in these inspections. To remedy this, Gard spoke to some experts in order to get insights on these inspections. Today we are going to highlight that...


Seafarers’ Rights International Calls For Investigation Into Perfect Storm For Seafarers

Seafarers silhouette

The recent spate of grim casualties cannot simply be written off as bad luck, says Seafarers’ Rights International (SRI), the international pan-industry body researching maritime and seafarers’ law.

It points out that the failure to treat seafarers as keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating effects on individuals, who are now at risk of being caught in a perfect storm of exhaustion from extended employment agreements, increasing numbers of accidents, maritime casualties,...
