Future-proofing the Maritime Labour Convention

Future-proofing the Maritime Labour Convention 

Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Executive Director of SRI

London International Shipping Week 2021 was the backdrop for a unique and thought-provoking conference, ‘Future-proofing the Maritime Labour Convention’, held by SRI at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) last week. 

Over 120 people including representatives from over 30 States attended in person to hear addresses from Ministers, shipowners, seafarers, port state control, training colleges and...


SRI Calls for Investigation into Perfect Storm for Seafarers

Deirdre Fitzpatrick, Executive Director of SRI

SRI Calls for Investigation into Perfect Storm for Seafarers

 The recent spate of grim casualties cannot simply be written off as bad luck, says Seafarers’ Rights International (SRI), the international pan-industry body researching maritime and seafarers’ law.  It points out that the failure to treat seafarers as keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating effects on individuals, who are now at risk of being caught in a perfect...
