Three Leading Companies Of Port Sector Join Together To Improve Port Efficiency

SEAPorts_Three Leading Companies Of Port Sector Join Together To Improve Port Efficiency

After months of work, SEAPort (Ship Efficient Approach at Port) Solutions S.L. has been established. This entity is owned by Fundación Valenciaport, Infoport Valencia and Híades Consulting. It has been created with the aim of developing solutions and offering technological services that improve the efficiency of ship calls in ports through shared digital information.

SEAPort Solutions’ services are targeted at port authorities and operators and they have arisen from feedback received from...

Klaipeda Seaport Opens Gates To One Of The Largest Vessels Worldwide

Klaipeda Seaport has opened the gates

On the 19th of December of 2018 one of the largest 19 462 TEU ( 20 feet equivalent unit) capacity vessel “MSC Ingy“ operated by the shipping line “Mediterranean Shipping Company“ (MSC) successfully entered Klaipeda Seaport. It was a trial passage of the vessel. This vessel, attributed to ULCV („Ultra Large Container Vessel“) class vessels, made changes in the history of Klaipeda Seaport and became the largest vessel ever entering the Lithuanian Seaport. Her length overall reaches 400 metres,...