SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Maritime Health

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds light on maritime health. Health is the most important thing for anyone, let alone seafarers due to their challenging job. Rest hours, working out, food, better accommodation and mental health, are all key elements towards ensuring a healthy lifestyle. However, shipping does not always provide the same standard for seafarers to protect their health. For this reason, we asked experts on this matter, giving...

SeaSense – Expert Thinking on ISPS Code

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds focus on ISPS Code asking industry experts whether the code itself can enhance maritime security against modern security threats such as cargo theft and terrorism. The Code was adopted on 12 December 2002 and came into force on 1 July 2004 and it is applicable to all vessels over 500 GRT operating on international trades, as well as the ports that service them. Therefore, after fifteen years of...

SeaSense – Expert Thinking on IMDG Code

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds focus on the IMDG Code asking industry experts whether its implementation has been effective in preventing container fire incidents so far. In this regard, we asked global experts to share their views on the following question: Is the IMDG Code effective in preventing container fire incidents?
John Southam
Loss Prevention Executive
The North of England P&I Club
Aslak Ross
First Chairman of the...

SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Sulphur Cap

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds focus on sulphur cap, given the fact that we are on the final stretch for the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI to come into force. From 1 January 2020, the content of sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships, operating outside Emission Control Areas, must not exceed 0.50% m/m and ship operators are urged to find ways to comply with the new regulation.In this regard, we asked global experts to share their views...

SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Mental Health

In an era where most working people have less time and more stress, mental health has risen as a big topic for every industry, and the maritime world could not stay unaffected.  This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds focus on mental health issues which in shipping industry relate to the nature of seafarers’ job, characterized not only by intensive work hours, but also by isolation, being away from family for too long, fatigue, and many others....

SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Fatigue

Our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds focus on  fatigue which is considered as a significant contributory factor to many incidents in shipping industry and one of the major concerns for seafarers. Latest MARTHA Fatigue Report revealed that fatigue has safety and long-term physical and mental health implications and long tours of duty (over 6 months) may lead to increased sleepiness, loss of sleep quality, reduced motivation which could contribute to...