Money is being made in offshore once again, but tragically lives are also being lost unnecessarily. Earlier this week, we examined how Perenco’s dysfunctional safety culture in Gabon, leading to six people dead or lost in an explosion. This is a sad backdrop for an industry booming at last. Stop...
COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea exodus [Offshore Accounts]
One of the delights of the offshore market recovery has been the surge in charter rates for platform supply vessels (PSVs) around the world. Tidewater’s triumphant presentation at the Barclays CEO Energy Conference earlier this month showed the potency of the market recovery that the company has driven ever onwards and upwards after its acquisition […]
Fredriksen Names New Investment Chief for Seatankers
OSLO, Sept 3 (Reuters) – Seatankers, the powerful holding company of Norwegian-born billionaire John Fredriksen, said on Thursday it had hired a veteran fund manager to broaden the group’s portfolio and bring in outside capital in a new unit. Vegard Soeraunet, until recently an investment director...
John Fredriksen Taps Hedge Fund Manager Svelland to Head Seatankers
By Nerijus Adomaitis and Terje Solsvik OSLO, Aug 28 (Reuters) – Norwegian-born billionaire John Fredriksen appointed a hedge fund manager on Friday as next head of his family’s key holding company, which controls assets ranging from oil tankers and rigs to real estate, fish farming and finance....