OPINION | How to equip the US Coast Guard against China’s grey-zone operations

The US Coast Guard Legend-class cutter USCGC Munro conducts joint training with the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force replenishment ship JS Omi in the East China Sea, August 26, 2021.

America’s allies in the Indo-Pacific are getting pretty familiar with China’s grey-zone maritime behaviour, but the United States itself is ill-prepared for dealing with it. Yet it should be prepared, experts warned a US House of Representatives committee in a hearing this month. The US must not...


OPINION | Overcoming the deliberate legal ambiguity adopted by China’s coast guard

A still image taken from footage released by the Armed Forces of the Philippines showing China Coast Guard personnel confronting a resupply mission to Scarborough Shoal

While laws should provide clarity and transparency, China’s recent orders regarding maritime jurisdiction appear to be deliberately based on ambiguity and uncertainty. This has become very evident in the past day after the latest clash with the Philippines in the South China Sea. In seeking to...


OPINION | The cause for China’s coercion in the skies may lay under the water

A Royal Australian Navy MH-60R Seahawk helicopter launches a sonobuoy during an anti-submarine warfare training in 2020 off the coast of Jervis Bay, New South Wales

During the Cold War, it was not unheard of for Soviet ships to attempt to disrupt US naval operations by “shouldering” vessels, meaning coming abreast and colliding in a semi-controlled manner. A famous example is the Black Sea incident of 1988, when Soviet frigates “bumped” both USS Yorktown and...
