US to strengthen domestic semiconductor manufacturing after global shortages during pandemic

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Amid semiconductor shortage, resale markets take off

Resale and secondary markets show growth amid semiconductor shortage

Here’s a crazy stat: If you wanted to buy a used car right now, there’s a good chance it would cost you more than a new model of that same car.

It sounds impossible, but that is exactly what is happening. With a shortage of semiconductors and automotive factories closing down left and right, new cars simply aren’t being produced, and that’s caused the value of cars on secondary and resale markets to skyrocket — to the point where they’re often more expensive than new cars.

But it isn’t just new...

How is a semiconductor made?

A semiconductor is made up of millions of transistors to process information for various technology devices like laptops, cellphones and electronics within vehicles and heavy-duty trucks.

According to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), global demand for semiconductors has increased 10-20% over the last few years. Demand is projected to continue to grow 5% annually until 2030. 

In order to keep up with that demand, the association found that manufacturing capacity would need to increase...

Report to Congress on China’s New Semiconductor Policies

The following is the April 20, 2021 Congressional Research Service report, China’s New Semiconductor Policies: Issues for Congress.

From the report

Since August 2020, the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China) has issued several new related policy measures to boost the development of its semiconductor and software industries. In August 2020, China’s State Council issued the Notice on Several Policies to Promote the High-quality Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry...