Nichols Brothers delivers first of two new ferries to Kitsap Transit

In December 2018, Kitsap Transit, Bremerton, Wash, ordered two new 140’x37’x12′, 250-passenger aluminum vessels from Nichols Brothers Boat Builders (NBBB). These vessels, which will also carry 26 bicycles, will provide expedient commuter services to downtown Seattle from both Kingston, Wash. and a planned Southworth, Wash. route.

Mackay Marine was selected to be a part of this team to provide marine electronics systems, technologies, and expertise.

The bow-loading fast ferries, built by NBBB at...

A look back at WorkBoat for September 1949

• The Myers subcommittee of the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee concluded hearings recently on the bill to increase the capital stock of the Inland Waterways Corp. from $15 million to $31 million. Indications are that little else will be done on the bill during this session. Committee spokesmen say that the bill, which is sponsored by a dozen or so Mississippi and Missouri rivers and Gulf Coast states senators, may be help up pending completion of the much larger investigation...

Master Boat Builders delivers another ATB tug to Kirby

New 109' ATB tug was built at Master Boat Builders for Kirby Offshore. Ken Hocke photo

Master Boat Builders, Bayou La Batre, Ala., has delivered the new 109’x36’x18’3″ ATB tug Cape Lookout to Kirby Offshore Marine, Houston.

Designed by Guarino & Cox, Covington, La., the Cape Lookout, which has a steel hull and an aluminum tower, is powered by a pair of Tier 4 Caterpillar 3516E diesel engines, each producing 2,501 hp at 1,600 rpm. The Cats connect to 120″x78″, 5-bladed stainless-steel Hung Shin wheels through Reintjes WAF 1173 marine gears with 7.429:1 reduction ratios. The...

Island Tug and Barge delivers ATB tug to itself

Constructed on-site at ITB’s Annacis Island facility along the Fraser River in British Columbia, the Island Raider was designed with considerable emphasis on crew comfort and endurance. ITB photo

The 78.7’x41′ Island Raider, which is the newest articulating tug in Island Tug and Barge’s (ITB) fleet, was christened Friday, Sept. 28, during an afternoon ceremony at ITB’s headquarters in Burnaby, British Columbia.

After Reverend Mark Schwab from St. Stephen’s Church delivered a blessing, Beth Vandemoor, ITB’s payroll/invoice manager and longtime employee, broke a champagne bottle over the vessel’s hull while a group of ITB and Tidewater Canada Inc. employees, vendor representatives, and...