Last week (here) we looked at the impact of the horrific Russian invasion of Ukraine. Brent crude closed on Friday at US$118 per barrel. Russian artillery and missiles po ..
VESSEL REVIEW | Sayan Prince – Large AHTS enters service with Cyprus’ Sevnor
Turkey’s Tersan Shipyard has delivered a new anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessel to Cyprus-based offshore services company Sevnor. Designed by Norwegian naval arch ..
COLUMN | Dive in diving: Boskalis, Rever Offshore, James Fisher, Mozambique [Offshore Accounts]
Boskalis buys Rever Boskalis announced here it has purchased beleaguered North Sea diving outfit Rever Offshore from Rever’s private equity owners Fara Holdco on ..
COLUMN | Quick Updates: BP, Equinor, Edda, Wilhelmsen, Hornbeck, MAGE and Sevnor [Offshore Accounts]
For the last three weeks we have been distracted by the mania for offshore wind (here, here and here). So, too has BP’s visionary CEO Bernard Looney. He has announced ..
COLUMN | Wind, gas and coal: Gazprom, DNV and the European renewables boom [Offshore Accounts]
Well, that didn’t take long. In May (here) we were predicting that the purchase of some large anchor handlers by Sevnor could prove an amazing coincidence if such ..