ONE accelerates digitalization by carrying out e-BDN adoption trial

Ocean Network Express (ONE) is accelerating its digitalization efforts with the latest successful trial with Shell, with assistance from the Maritime and Port Authority of  Singapore (MPA), for the adoption of the electronic Bunker Delivery Note (e-BDN).

The e-BDN trial, which used Angsana Technology’s digital bunkering technology, took place on 9 September 2023, in the Port of Singapore. As part of the trial, the cargo officer, chief engineer, and bunker surveyor used their unique link and...

COLUMN | Quick Updates: Atlantica buys DOF’s supply vessel flip; Maersk sells anchor handlers; battery power drive gains momentum in UK and Norway; Ocean Infinity wins grant; more cable layers ordered [Offshore Accounts]

Last week we looked at Britoil’s acquisition of 30 offshore supply vessels (OSVs) from Vroon for a price we estimated to be in the region of US$239 million, and the acquisition of the Vroon Offshore Services management teams in Singapore and Italy. We noted how the Dutch Bank ING had foolishly cut a side deal […]

The post COLUMN | Quick Updates: Atlantica buys DOF’s supply vessel flip; Maersk sells anchor handlers; battery power drive gains momentum in UK and Norway; Ocean Infinity wins grant;...

COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea exodus [Offshore Accounts]

One of the delights of the offshore market recovery has been the surge in charter rates for platform supply vessels (PSVs) around the world. Tidewater’s triumphant presentation at the Barclays CEO Energy Conference earlier this month showed the potency of the market recovery that the company has driven ever onwards and upwards after its acquisition […]

The post COLUMN | What are the consequences of the offshore surge? Tidewater’s triumph provides Chinese yards with boom, and starts North Sea...

Shell’s BG Group Hit by MOVEit Cybersecurity Breach

Credits: REUTERS/May James/File Photo

Oil and gas giant Shell has identified a cybersecurity incident involving some employees who worked with the company’s unit BG Group in Australia before the merger, becoming the latest victim of the MOVEit hack, reports Reuters.

A number of businesses globally have lately been affected by a cybersecurity breach on the software tool MOVEit which is typically used to transfer large amounts of often sensitive data including pension information and social...

MOL and Shell pen cooperation agreement

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) and Shell Marine Products Singapore, a business division of Shell Eastern Trading Pte., have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a joint focus on alternative maritime solutions and to collaborate on managing carbon emissions liabilities holistically.

In particular, MOL group has positioned its environmental strategy as one of the key strategies in its “BLUE ACTION 2035” management plan, and has set the target of achieving net zero GHG emissions by 2050.


MOL and Shell to work on alternative maritime solutions to decarbonise sector

Japanese shipping major Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) and Shell Marine Products Singapore, a business division of Shell Eastern Trading Pte, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on a joint focus on the advancement of alternative maritime solutions and managing carbon emissions liabilities...