Newark car carrier fire blamed on Ports America-owned Jeep Wrangler

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The deadly blaze aboard the car carrier Grande Costa D’Avorio in Port Newark, New Jersey, in July...

X-Press Pearl’s Reckless Accident To Face Lawsuit

  • The smouldering wreck of the X-Press Pearl has settled onto the ocean floor after water flooded the engine room, according to the latest information from its owner’s spokesman.
  • With white smoke still billowing from its foredeck, the 2,700 teu X-Press Pearl, not yet four months old, started to sink today in waters off Sri Lanka’s west coast.

According to the various sources, Sri Lankan authorities are planning to start a legal suit against X-Press Feeders, the owner of Singapore-registered...

FreightWaves Flashback: Vessel accidents raise issues

FreightWaves Classics articles look at various aspects of the transportation industry’s history. If there are topics that you think would be of interest, please send them to [email protected].

The many industries that make up the world of freight have undergone tremendous change over the past several decades. Each week, FreightWaves explores the archives of American Shipper’s nearly 70-year-old collection of shipping and maritime publications to showcase interesting freight stories of...

Improper Starboard Side Lookout Cause Collision [Part II]

Japan P & I Club released a P & I Loss Prevention Bulletin, volume number 40 in September 2017.  The prevention bulletin deals with the case study concerning collision, engine trouble and oil spill accident.

This following case study reveals the effect of collision that takes place between a container vessel and cargo vessel, and the preventive measures that could have been followed to avoid to evade the collision.

This is the second part of the case study that has been published earlier titled ‘...

Lapses in Basic Action of a Look-out Leads To Collision

Japan P & I Club released a P & I Loss Prevention Bulletin, volume number 40 in September 2017.  The prevention bulletin deals with the case study concerning collision, engine trouble and oil spill accident.

This following case study reveals the effect of collision that takes place between a container vessel and cargo vessel, and the preventive measures that could have been followed to avoid to evade the collision.

Summary of Accident

The accident occurred at night off the north-northeastern sea...

Insufficient Safe Maneuvering Room Leads To Collision

A recent report published by National Transportation Safety Board briefs the collision between APL Guam and Marcliff, Hansa Steinburg.

What happened? 

At 2327 local time on March 21, 2019, the containership Marcliff was outbound from the
Port of Yokohama, Japan, when it collided with the containership APL Guam, which was inbound to an anchorage at the port.

After the initial collision, the Marcliff then collided with the containership Hansa Steinburg, which was anchored nearby. No pollution or...

Watch: Yacht Slams Dock, Damages Vessels At Port Angeles Boat Haven

Yacht Slams In Dock

A 260-ton Westport yacht is shown taking off from a fuel dock Monday at the Port Angeles Boat Haven before plowing into a dock Monday morning, damaging five boats, including a small research vessel. An electronic malfunction is believed to have caused the vessel to unexpectedly accelerate. There were no injuries. Port officials say damage is expected to exceed $100,000.

Reference: Port of Port Angeles/Laura Foster

NOTE: Marine Insight does not have enough information to verify this video and...

Case Study: Deck Crane Failure Sheds Light On Lack Of Maintenance

Deck crane failure sheds light on lack of maintenance

Image Credit:

A tanker had loaded cargo and the crew was preparing to depart. The pilot was on board and the gangway (8 meters long and weighing 250kg) was to be secured for sea. It was hooked on to the deck crane, which had a safe working load (SWL) of 5,000kg, and lifted away from the ship’s side, then brought slowly down to the stowed position. Just before the gangway was in the stowed position the topping cylinder broke away from the crane jib and the crane arm gave way. The...