Containership charter rates fell for the first time in at least 16 months in what could be the first sign of container freight rates easing. This is according to the…
ship freight rates
Rising Rates and Capacity Problems for Shippers Frustrated by Skipped Port Calls
By Mike Wackett (The Loadstar) – Container spot rates from Asia to the US have re-gained traction after China’s Golden Week holiday, while rates to Europe appear to have plateaued and could…
Coca-Cola Turns to Bulkers Amid Container Shipping’s Chaos
The chaos in container shipping has forced some brands like Home Depot, Ikea and Costco to get creative with their supply chains. We can now add The Coca-Cola Company to…
Maersk Says Port Congestion and Supply Chain Bottlenecks to Persist Through Year-End
China’s October Golden Week, Christmas and Chinese New Year will bolster strong demand for container shipping for the last quarter of 2021. But port congestion, especially in the US and…
Transpacific Spot Rates Ease Ahead of China’s Golden Week Holiday
By Gavin van Marle (The Loadstar) – There were signs of a silver lining finally beginning to appear for beleaguered US shippers this week, after the spot container freight rates to both…
Bulker Rates May Go Parabolic Says Genco CEO
By Alex Longley (Bloomberg) An owner of commodity hauling freighters said rates for the ships are close to the point of spiking sharply higher and mirroring an unprecedented surge in costs…
Shippers and Forwarders Deride CMA CGM’s Rate Cap as ‘High Level Torture’
By Nick Savvides and Mike Wackett (The Loadstar) – Freight forwarders and shippers have responded to CMA CGM’s pledge to stop spot rate increases until 1 February with a raised level of…
More Logistics Players Guarantee Space by Chartering Their Own Box Ships
By Mike Wackett (The Loadstar) – Entrepreneurial logistics players are turning away from the highly congested transpacific market to cash in on the equally buoyant but less-congested Asia to Europe trade. Alphaliner…
MSC To Increase Its Peak Season Surcharge Between Europe And US
By Mike Wackett, Loadstar–MSC is to increase its peak season surcharge (PSS) between Europe and the US by $1,000 per 40ft on 1 October. The Geneva-headquartered carrier said its PSS on the…
Hapag-Lloyd Reports First Half Profit of $3.3 Billion
German liner company Hapag-Lloyd has posted a $3.3 billion profit in the first half of the year amid “very strong demand” for container shipping that isn’t expected to let up…