What Tankers Do to Avoid Exploding so Easily? Inert Gas System Explained

Inert gas system is one of the most critical component of a tanker vessel. Vessels using inert gas in their tanks are enjoying the benefits of safe operation against fire and explosion. No smoking on deck, no naked lights, intrinsically safe equipment only and always following rules and regulations...


Advance or Retard: How Not to Be Confused When Ship’s Clock is Adjusted

Clock changes are part of seaman’s life. The first time I heard about the ship’s time being retarded was, well, a bit confusing. How could time be retarded when it only ticks and doesn’t think? Then I learned that it will be moved backwards to comply with the Daylight Saving Time. Perhaps I wasn’t...


Tugboats: Small Vessels that Move Big Ships A Hundred Times in Size

In this article, we are going to talk about tugboats. Small in size, there’s a reason why some of them cost more than USD $20,000,000. In fact, tugboats are not to be messed with. They are all muscles and strength. Maneuverability is their core. And they have indestructible winches, too. We’ve witnessed them in port […]

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