But Hanse’s Alex Karydis has not yet seen a rush to trade through the Suez Canal again
Singapore shipbroking icon opens up on how Eastport Maritime broke the mould to grow a global footprint
Founder of well-known independent tanker brokerage credits success to stability and keeping up with new generation
Lightship Derivatives raids rival Freight Investor Services for new CEO
New hire is a stalwart of the freight derivatives space
Cinco corredores de los principales corredores unen fuerzas para lanzar la recapitulación y la plataforma de fiesta charter
Cinco de las principales empresas de arbitraje del mundo, Arrow, Gibson Shipbrokers, Howe Robinson, Ifchor Galbraiths y SSY, han unido a introducir recapitulación oceánica, una plataforma de recapitulación y gestión de fiestas charter especialmente diseñadas. Desarrollado en asociación con Signal Ocean, Ocean Repap busca abordar lo que los corredores describieron en un comunicado como «crecientes […]
Esta entrada Cinco corredores de los principales corredores unen fuerzas para lanzar la...
Major brokers team up to challenge Clarksons’ charterparty management dominance
Five competitive shipbrokers have taken equity in the venture along with Signal Group
Five top brokers join forces to launch recap and charter party platform
Five of the world’s leading shipbroking firms—Arrow, Gibson Shipbrokers, Howe Robinson, IFCHOR Galbraiths and SSY—have united to introduce Ocean Recap – a purpose-built recap and charter party management platform. Developed in partnership with Signal Ocean, Ocean Recap seeks to address the growing...
Eastern Mediterranean linked to VLCC sale as peace talks sway tanker market
Buyers betting on improved rates as shadow fleet gets squeezed by US blacklistings
El choque aliado de Grecia ha cazado a Stefanos Fragos de Braemar para convertirse en el nuevo CEO de la compañía. Fragos había sido el jefe de finanzas corporativas de Braemar en Atenas durante los últimos años en una carrera que también lo ha visto trabajar para Anualdstreet y DVB Bank. «Con una...
Allied Shipbroking poaches Braemar exec for new CEO
Greece’s Allied Shipbroking has poached Stefanos Fragos from Braemar to become the company’s new CEO. Fragos had been Braemar’s head of corporate finance in Athens for the past couple of years in a career that has also seen him work for YieldStreet and DVB Bank. “With extensive experience in ship...
Allied Shipbroking scoops Greek finance man from Braemar to be chief executive
Hellenic shop tasks experienced executive with expanding core activities