Should UPS have been bigger as well as better?

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For the first 30 or so months of her tenure, UPS CEO Carol B. Tomé had the wind at her back. For the...

UPS, FedEx post solid holiday on-time delivery performance

googletag.cmd.push(function() { var gptSlot = googletag.defineSlot(‘/21776187881/FW-Responsive-Main_Content-Slot1’, [[728, 90], [468, 60], [300, 100], [320, 50]], ‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-5’).defineSizeMapping(gptSizeMaps.banner1).setCollapseEmptyDiv(true).addService(googletag.pubads());

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Two of the three major parcel-delivery carriers set multiyear records for delivery performance...

Parcel market dilemma: Excess capacity with stagnant demand

By Satish Jindel

The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of FreightWaves or its affiliates.

The parcel market is facing a supply-demand imbalance of the type and magnitude not experienced in the past 30 years or longer. Given the stagnant demand and no new initiative on the horizon to encourage consumers to spend more money on goods, supply will exceed demand for the next three or more years.

It started with the sudden COVID-19...

5 things to know with the UPS-Teamsters clock ticking

Time is running short for a handshake agreement to avert a nationwide Teamsters union strike against UPS Inc. threatened for Aug. 1. Talks broke off July 5 and will resume next week. Shippers that haven’t made contingencies could be up against the wall. Some will simply brace for service disruptions and undelivered packages, which could take weeks to sort out even if a strike is relatively short.

“For shippers who have done little or no planning, it’s too late,” said Nate Skiver, founder of LPF...

En FedEx, la pesadilla de septiembre parece muy lejana 

Dos días no hacen una tendencia comercial. Pero por segunda sesión consecutiva, las acciones de FedEx Corp. están subiendo. 

Cerca del cierre de las operaciones del jueves, las acciones de FedEx (NYSE: FDX) subieron casi un 6,3%, o más de 12 dólares por acción. Esto se suma a una subida del 4,2% al cierre del miércoles.

El catalizador de las ganancias acumuladas de las acciones fue el anuncio del miércoles de que la empresa con sede en Memphis, Tennessee, despediría al menos al 10% de su...

At FedEx, nightmare of September seems very far away

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-b1-i-fw-ad-1’); });

Two days do not make a trading trend. But for the second consecutive session, FedEx Corp. shares are...

Sources: Clarke would seriously consider C.H. Robinson CEO job

Andrew Clarke, the former CFO at brokerage giant C.H. Robinson Worldwide Inc., would seriously consider an offer from the board to return to the company as CEO following last week’s abrupt firing of president and CEO Bob Biesterfeld, according to sources familiar with the situation.

Clarke, who served as the Eden Prairie, Minnesota-based company’s CFO from 2015-19, would consider it a “fascinating opportunity” to assume the helm of the nation’s largest broker and $25 billion company, said one of...

Can FedEx dig Ground Economy out of a hole?

FedEx Corp.’s ground delivery unit, FedEx Ground, spent several years shifting last-mile delivery traffic from a long-standing partnership with the U.S. Postal Service to its own network. The idea was to increase parcel density at FedEx Ground’s business-to-consumer infrastructure and to set the stage for what would become a seven-day-a-week delivery service.

Things have not gone according to plan. FedEx Ground, which completed the project in March 2021, underestimated the expense of bringing...

Viewpoint: Parcel deliveries on Sundays — not for free

By Satish Jindel 

Since consumers live in their homes seven days a week, few would argue that the weekends are the two best days for delivering parcels to residences.

That was true when parcel-delivery carriers obtained signatures for residential deliveries. However, in today’s world with parcels delivered without even a knock on the door, the value of weekend deliveries has been diminished.

Carriers have been vocal about the high cost of last-mile deliveries to a residence compared to a business...

FedEx Ground acts to appease contractors by Sunday delivery suspension

If FedEx Corp.’s (NYSE: FDX) ground-delivery unit wanted to extend an olive branch to driver contractors concerned about rising costs and slowing volumes, while at the same time protecting its competitive flank, it could have done worse than suspending Sunday deliveries across part of its nationwide network.

Late Thursday, FedEx Ground said it would halt Sunday residential delivery services as of mid-August in what it described as “lower-population” markets where shippers would not be greatly...